Archive for 'Travel & Geography'
Happy World Water Day! Posted by carol on Mar 31, 2022

How’s everybody doing? Did you remember to observe World Water day this year? On March 22, World Water Day is held by many countries worldwide. Its main goal is to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of freshwater. And us too, of course, should pay tribute to this invaluable natural resource. Today’s post will round…
The Shakers of October Posted by Gary Locke on Oct 14, 2021

THE OCTOBER COUNTRY …that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coal-bins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the…
The Eruption of Mt. Saint Helens Posted by Gary Locke on May 6, 2021

Image by Keith Hardin from Pixabay In the United States, we rarely think about volcanos. Iceland, Japan, and several sites south of the Equator are seeing dramatic activity as I write this. A live, erupting volcano in the US, however, is quite rare, especially in the 48 contiguous states. Oh, sure, we all know about Kilauea in Hawaii…
Talking about travel problems in English Posted by carol on Mar 31, 2021

Hi there, dear readers! Traveling is always a source of joy for most people, but things do not always go as we expect and this can ruin our whole vacation experience. Your suitcase may get lost, your flight might be canceled or the layover can be too long for a short trip. Some of the…