Esperanto Language Blog

Archive by Author

Dictionary Links Posted by on Aug 5, 2009

Cxu vi deziras vortarojn? Even the best sometimes need a quick reference to help them find the word for which they’re searching. I’ve decided to list a few of my favorites here, in case anyone wanted to grab hold of one. Online, you can find a simple TXT-file version at the ever-reliable Project Gutenberg. Click…

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Tremendous Scholarly Text Posted by on Aug 4, 2009

If you have ever found yourself searching for a compendium of major Esperanto literary works, at last your needs have been met! A fairly new (circa 2008) English-language encyclopedia is now available. As soon as my university procures a copy of this enormous tome, I’ll give it a thorough read! Prices for Geoffrey Sutton’s Concise…

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We now have tags! Posted by on Aug 2, 2009

Saluton! I have recently been informed that Transparent Language’s blog client allows us to place tags on posts, in order to help with the organization of entries by topic. As you may have noticed, the more recent entries now have tags on them. By the middle of the week, I should have taxonomized all the…

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Thank you, Blogging Community! Posted by on Aug 1, 2009

Back in July, I mentioned that this blog had been nominated along with hundreds of other blogs as a contender for the Top Language Learning Blogs of 2009. I’m happy (and surprised beyond belief!) to report that the Transparent Language Esperanto Blog is ranked #36 out of all the blogs nominated! Check out the results…

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“Con”-sonants Posted by on Jul 31, 2009

I apologize for the horrible pun. I have no idea what possessed me to do that. A decent essay found here suggests that part of Esperanto’s sometimes limited appeal stems from its excessive use of consonants. Admittedly, I’ve always preferred the sibilant over the guttural…It’s part of the reason why I decided to study Spanish…

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Good for a Laugh Posted by on Jul 26, 2009

A friend of mine, who happens to be a rabid fan of a certain science-fiction series, has often jested that his Klingon language would make a worthwhile hobby for me, since I seem to enjoy obscure languages! I can’t pretend I speak Klingon, but that same friend passed along this link to start me on…

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A Thorough Critique! Posted by on Jul 22, 2009

If you’re up for a long, thoughtful critique of Esperanto, Justin Rye has compiled a massive and thorough examination of all the things he finds inadequate about the language. I’ve only had the time to unearth this article today, much less study it! However, if you have an opinion regarding this essay (or thesis, given…

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