Esperanto Language Blog

Archive by Author

Further Criticism: Esperanto and Language Diversity Posted by on Jul 21, 2009

Here’s an interesting critique of the Esperanto movement! This essay by Christopher Culver examines the seemingly self-contradictory Esperanto agenda. Give it a look if you have the opportunity. While I do not think Mr. Culver’s criticism provides an entirely accurate assessment of the state of the Esperanto movement, his opinions caution us not to allow…

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Top 100 Language Learning Blogs Nomination Posted by on Jul 18, 2009

According to LexioPhiles, this particular blog has been nominated as a contender for one of the top 100 language learning blogs! You can see the voting form here. I’m thoroughly pleased…if stunned…to see the blog among so many other noteworthy candidates! Whoever nominated Transparent’s Esperanto blog, I thank you profusely! Moreover, I’d like to thank…

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Auld’s Esperanto Classics Posted by on Jul 17, 2009

After mentioning William Auld’s list of Esperanto Classics, I went off in search of the fabled compendium myself. The best link I’ve found thus far is on Tim Westover’s blog on Esperanto-USA. He has placed links to Esperanto-USA’s bookstore for relevant works, as well, so it’s easy to find a copy of the book you…

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Stay Cool! Posted by on Jul 16, 2009

Finfine, la plej varmega tago de la somero alvenas! After a month of cold and rain, my part of the country is experiencing its first stretch of remotely hot weather. How well nature makes up for lost time! Where I am, it’s hot, it’s humid, and it leaves most people reaching for something to help…

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More Food for Thought: The Auxiliary Language Debate Posted by on Jul 11, 2009

Since it hasn’t stopped raining where I live for the past month or so, I cannot help but be in a mildly pessimistic mood. I’ve taken to examining some of the less sunny arguments against constructed languages, thinking that my present mindset might help me to better understand a position I would not normally support…

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Summer Reading Posted by on Jul 8, 2009

Looking for a good Esperanto read this summer? The next item on my list is the 1930s fantasy adventure, “Mr. Tot acxetas mil okulojn,” by Jean Forge. I have not yet had the chance to order it, but from what I hear, it’s supposed to be quite good. William Auld, poet extraordinaire, placed it on…

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Fire Safety! Posted by on Jul 4, 2009

La Tago de Sendependenco venas! En Usono, ni celebras la tagon kun la artfajrajxoj. They’re a lot of fun, and beautiful to see, but they can also be dangerous. I wish any and all of our American readers a safe holiday. However, if you’re not the most cautious reveler, here’s a handful of words that…

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