Archive for December, 2017
Le réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre (New Year’s Eve) Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Dec 29, 2017

The new year (le nouvel an) is fast approaching. After a less than stellar 2017, I for one will be saying vive 2018! In France, as elsewhere, New Year’s Eve (called le réveillon du jour de l’an) is typically celebrated with friends. It’s common to celebrate the new year with champagne and fireworks. But did…
Transparent Language French Blog: Best Of 2017 Posted by John Bauer on Dec 27, 2017

With les fêtes (the holidays) wrapping up, I hope everyone was able to enjoy Noël (Christmas), Hanoucca (Hanukkah), or any other fête during these cold winter months. Le nouvel an (the new year) is nearly here and while everyone is busy putting up their new calendrier (calendar), it’s a good time for us here at…
French Culture – Christmas Traditions Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 26, 2017

I’m a little late, but before we get started, I’d like to wish all those who celebrate around the world, un très Joyeux Noël! (a very Merry Christmas!). And speaking of Noël, did you ever wonder (like I did recently) where that word comes from or just what it means? If so, read on to…
Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel – Come Learn about Hanukkah in French Posted by Josh Dougherty on Dec 23, 2017

December is a very festive month for people all around the world. We’ve covered French Christmas vocabulary, songs, and traditions quite a few times on the blogs, but we haven’t yet looked at Hanukkah. It’s a wonderful Jewish holiday celebrating the miracle of the long-burning flames. There are roughly 480,000 Jewish people living in France…
My Beautiful Fir Tree – O Christmas Tree In French Posted by John Bauer on Dec 21, 2017

L’esprit des fêtes (the holiday spirit) is stronger than ever with Noël just around the corner. This festive time of the year is the perfect moment to add un chant de Noël français (a French Christmas carol) to your holiday playlist! Les chants de Noël are a big part of the ambiance of the holiday…
French language and culture – the life of a teacher Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 19, 2017

I think education has the power to change the world. One of these days, I hope to put my love of French and my passion for education to good use teaching French at a local school. Thankfully, being a teacher today – while still a difficult job – isn’t nearly as hard as it used…
Paris 2024! Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Dec 18, 2017

Some of you may know that the Summer Olympic Games will be held in Paris in 2024. This is exciting news for the city; although it has hosted the Olympic Games (les Jeux olympiques) two other times, the last time was nearly 100 years ago in 1924 and the 2024 Games will also celebrate this…