A Couple Of Clics – Online Shopping In French Posted by John Bauer on Apr 5, 2017 in Vocabulary
After learning about beds au magasin, I didn’t buy one right away. Instead, I ordered mon nouveau lit (my new bed) and other furniture I needed for le nouvel apartment (the new aparment) online.
A trip to l’épicérie (the grocery store) or le magasin de bricolage (the hardware store) always ends in a good vocabulary lesson, but sometimes I need to be more practical about my shopping.
I don’t have une voiture (a car) and it would be impractical to take un lit on le métro or le bus.
That’s why when it came time to buy les meubles (furniture) for le nouvel apartment (the new apartment), I decided to do my shopping en ligne (online). La livraison (the delivery) is easy and I can take more time to look through all the options.
Navigating through un site web français can be a challenge too if you’re unfamiliar with le vocabulaire (the vocabulary). Cependant (however), outside of les mots inconnus (the unknown words), the general design of les sites web is the same of those in English, which makes everything easier if you have ever bought something online.
Il suffit de (all you need to do is) add what you want to le panier (the shopping cart). If you make une faute (a mistake) it’s easy to cliquer (click) on the icon for le panier and supprimer (delete) anything you do not want.
Once you have everything you want in le panier, il suffit de pay for everything. Le paiment (paying) is generally easy to do. After you’ve put in the information for votre carte bleue (your credit card), your order is ready!
You can double check votre commande (your order) before making le paiement to see exactly how much everything will cost, including la livraison.
Et voilà ! Un seul clic (one click) and it’s done!
After that il suffit de wait for la commande to arrive at your adresse!
Voici un vocabulaire du shopping en ligne :
Les achats en ligne – Online shopping
Le shopping en ligne – Online shopping
Le panier – Shopping Cart (Literally basket)
Le paiement – Payment
Payer – To pay
La carte bleue – Credit card
La carte bancaire – Debit card
La livraison – Delivery
Livrer – To deliver
L’adresse de livraison – Shipping address
L’adresse de facturation – Billing address
La commande – Order
Le clic – Click
Cliquer – To click
Les meubles – Furniture
Le mobilier – Furniture

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