“L’Homme Providentiel“, the “Providential Man”, the “Savior of the Masses”, is one of those “dynamite figures”, so to speak, that have for long jalonné (punctuated) the History of France: From Louis XIV, “le Roi Soleil” (The Sun King), to his Supreme Highness, le Grand Empreur Napoléon Bonaparte—To, finally, the much less sophisticated “parodical figureheads” of later pedigree…
Much to the “déception“, of course, of the French people!
But to each their own disappointment, to each their own “Waterloo”: Napoleon had his on the exact same date as today, the 18th of June, some 196 years ago…
What a Corsican with a “Napoleon complex” would have probably looked like deux siècles plus tard (two centuries later)!
SILMARILS – “L’Homme Providentiel” (The Providential Man)
* S I L M A R I L S – “L’H o m m e P r o v i d e n t i e l” (“The Providential Man”):
Dormez, dormez tranquille quand je vous l’ordonne
Sleep tight when I order you to
Placez vos espérances en moi et que Dieu vous pardonne
Put your hopes into me and may God forgive you
Applaudissez mes actes et buvez mes paroles
Applaud my actions and drink my words
Affichez ma photo dans toutes les écoles
Display my picture in all schools
Assez! Nous allons dire, nous allons faire
Enough! we will say, we will do
Nous allons bientôt rendre sa fertilité à la terre
We shall give to the land its fertility back
Nous allons faire de vos femmes de bonnes mères
We shall make of your women good mothers
Votez pour moi vous aurez la lumière
Vote for me and you shall see the light
Voyez je n’ai pas un seule ennemi
Look I have not a single enemy
Car mon discours se situe bien au dela des partis
For my speech is beyond patisanship
J’accueille à bras ouvert tous les nouveaux venus
I welcome with wide arms all the newcomers
L’heure de changement de vestes et enfin venu
The turncoat time is finally upon us
Merci aux ralliement de dernière minute
Thank you to the rallying of last minute
Aux Stackhanovistes du demi-tour aux fils de @#%$&!
To the Stakhavonites of about-turns, to the sons of @#%$&!
He was a genius.
Shannon Fabry: