Distributing Billets – Navigating ATM Menus In French Posted by John Bauer on Sep 6, 2017 in Vocabulary
Some things vital to life in France, like making sure you’re aware of les numéros de téléphone (phone numbers) for les urgences (emergencies). However, there are many other important aspects of everyday life you need to know in order to survive la vie en rose.
When you think of les urgences you don’t always think about navigating menus in another language, but if you ever need to use un distributeur automatique (an ATM) that doesn’t have an option for English, figuring out how to withdraw money can be quite confusing.
On top of that, the idea that hitting the wrong button could negatively impact votre compte bancaire (your bank account) is a scary thought no matter the language!
There are a few key words know if you need to use un distributeur en français (an ATM in French), but once you know them you won’t have any problems when you need to retirer de l’argent (withdraw money).
The first thing you need to do is check and make sure you’re at the right machine. Most distributeurs will have a sign indicating what functions they perform, with machines being separated into those that can déposer de l’argent (deposit money) and those that can retirer de l’argent:
Distribution de billets – Cash distribution
Dépôt d’espaces – Cash deposit
Dépôt de chèques – Check deposit
Once you’re at the right machine, if you don’t want to relever le défi (take the challenge) and navigate the French menus, you should check to see if they have any options de langue (language options). Most distributeurs will probably have an English language option, which can make life easier for les étrangers (foreigners).
If you want to naviguer dans le menu en français (navigate the menu in French), the first thing you’ll have to do after you introduire votre carte bancaire (insert your bank card) is composer votre code secret (enter your PIN number) and press the validation (confirmation) button.
If you make une faute (a mistake) while entering your code secret, you can press the correction (delete) button and erase the last number you entered. You can also press annulation (cancel) to cancel everything and start over if you get lost.
Once you are in the system you need to find the retrait (withdrawal) option and then select le montant (the amount) of money you want to rétirer (withdraw). You need to then valider votre choix (confirm your choice) and get past one last screen before you can leave with votre argent.
Le distributeur will ask if you want un reçu (a receipt) and lastly you usually have to take votre carte bancaire (your bank card) before you can receive your billets.
It’s not too hard, but seeing all the menus in French can be intimidating. As a reminder, here are the key words you need to know if you want to naviguer dans le menu en français:
Insert your card – Introduire votre carte
Enter your PIN number – Composer votre code secret
Withdraw money – Retirer d’argent
Withdrawal – Le retrait
Deposit – Le Dépôt
Confirm your choice – Valider votre choix
Confirmation – Validation
Delete – Correction
Cancel – Annulation
Receipt – Le reçu
It can be confusing to naviguer dans le menu en français, but at least taking a long time to figure out what button to press at le distributeur is less embarrassing than asking the wrong question when you need to aller aux toilletts (go to the bathroom)!

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