When l’abeille (the bee) was young, it was une larve
When l’aigle (the eagle) was young, it was un aiglon
When l’âne (the donkey) was young, it was un ânon
When l’antilope was young, it was an antilopin
When l’autruche (the ostrich) was young, it was an autruchon
When la baleine (the whale) was young, it was a baleineau
When le bison was young, it was un veau (a calf)
When une caille (a quail) was young, it was a cailleteau
When un canard (a duck) was young, it was a caneton (or a canette!)
When un chameau (a camel) was young, it was a chamelon
When un chat (a cat) was young, it was un chaton
When un cheval (a horse) was young, it was a poulain
When la chèvre (goat) was young, it was a chevreau
When un chien (a dog) was young, it was a chiot
When la cigogne (stork) was young, it was a cigogneau
When le cochon (pig) was young, it was a porcelet
When le corbeau (crow) was young, it was un corbillat
When un crapaud (toad) was young, it was a têtard
When le cygne (swan) was young, it was a cygneau
When le dauphin (dolphin) was young, it was a delphineau
When le dindon (turkey) was young, it was a dindonneau
When l’éléphant was young, it was un éléphanteau
When le faucon (falcon) was young, it was a fauconneau
When la fourmi (ant) was young, it was a nymphe !
When la girafe was young, it was a girafon
When le gorille was young, it was un gorillon
When la grenouille (frog) was young, it was also un têtard
When l’hirondelle (swallow) was young, it was a hirondeau
When le lapin (rabbit) was young, it was a lapereau
When le lièvre (hare) was young, it was a levreau
When le lion was young, it was a lionceau
When le loup (wolf) was young, it was a louveteau
When le moineau (sparrow) was young, it was a moinet
When la mouche (fly) was young, it was un asticot
When le mouton (sheep) was young, it was un agneau
When l’oiseau (bird) was young, it was a oiselet
When l’ours (bear) was young, it was un ourson
When le papillon (butterfly) was young, it was une chenille
When le phoque (seal) was young, it was a blanchon !
When le poisson (fish) was young, it was a fretin
When la poule (chicken) was young, it was a poussin
When le rat was young, it was a raton
When le renard (fox) was young, it was a renardeau
When le rhinocéros was young, it was a rhinocéron
When le sanglier (boar) was young, it was a marcassin
When le saumon (salmon) was young, it was a smolt
When the female singe (monkey) was young, it was a guenuche !
When la souris (mouse) was young, it was a souriceau
When le tigre (tiger) was young, it was a tigreau
When le zèbre (zebra) was young, it was a zébreau
Correction: That says “Les Petits Animaux”; that directly translates to “the little animals”. The young animals would be “jeunes”.
@Cambria Hello Cambria and thank you for your comment!
I’d like to make a little correction to your correction: Like you said, “petit” can be directly translated as “little”, but in another sense you can perfectly say in French “le petit d’un animal”, rather than “jeune” for example.
Leslie Duffy:
Very interesting – oddly, I think not many French people know these terms. I recently asked a French gentleman how to say baby swan and he said Oh, just bébé cygne. And years ago I asked a native French French teacher how to say baby whale and she gave the same kind of answer. Bébé baleine. Maybe not so odd, I guess many English speakers don’t know these words either.
I can now talk to my friends with another language without them even know what I’m saying 😂👍