Poisson d’avril (April Fools) Posted by Hichem on Apr 1, 2011 in Vocabulary
Poisson d’avril (April Fools) 🙂
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Due to serious difficultés techniques (technical difficulties) caused by a wave of sophisticated cyber attacks targeting The French Blog, the “Jacques Brel” post scheduled for today is postponed to an ulterior date.
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A message left by “les hackers professionnels” who targeted The French Blog tôt ce matin (earlier this morning): “La cyberguerre ne fait que commencer” (“The cyberwar” is only starting”)
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A primary investigation conducted within the entourage of the wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy has so far indicated that a team of highly-trained professional hackers based in the French palatial residence, le Palais de l’Élysée, was to blame for the recent wave of cyber attacks to which The French Blog has fallen prey.
According to the same unnamed source, the presidential warfare started shortly after la première Dame de France (the First Lady of France), Carla Bruni, whose native tongue is Italian, and who is reportedly an assiduous reader and enthusiast fan of The French Blog, has decided to stage a poisson d’avril (April’s fools) prank to her husband, especially after reading this one post published a few months ago on The French Blog, titled “A Sarkozy-turned-Borat says: “Gîve me your tears, le Gypsy!”
The article in question, a mini-pamphlet criticizing what it considered the unfair treatment of la communauté Rom (Romani people) by the French President, has apparently suggested the idea to the First Lady -as part of an elaborate April’s fools joke- to organize and sponsor a study group composed among other researchers of famous French and international éthnologues et généalogistes,whose main objective was to prove the “Gypsy ancestry” of her husband.
As it turned out, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose full last name is also spelled Sárközy de Nagybócsa, as his family hails originally from la Hongrie (Hungary), where an important community of Roms still lives to this day, has not very much appreciated the poisson d’avril (April’s fools) facetiously concocted by his wife.
C’est dans le besoin qu’on reconnait ses vrais amis (“A friend in need is a friend indeed”): Mobarek and Ben Ali, à la réscousse (to the rescue)
Consequently, and according to the information relayed by the same Élysée source, the French President has promptly enlisted the services of deux de ses amis de longue date (two long-standing friends of his): Former president of Tunisia, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, and former president of Egypt, Housni Mubarek, who then immediately provided him with the same shadowy teams of Internet security experts they had used during their respective soulèvements populaires (civil unrests), and who were behind the cracking down on the websites and social networks of their political dissidents!
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A porte-parole (spokesperson) of The French Blog, speaking under condition of anonymity, has refused to confirm or deny the allegations, but promised that an official statement will be released on Monday, April 4th, 2011.

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