French pronunciation basics part 3 Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 16, 2017 in Grammar, Music, Vocabulary
Many words in French end in ‘e’. And while the final ‘e’ can make us pronounce other letters (think ‘petit‘ vs. ‘petite‘ or ‘français‘ vs. ‘française‘), it is, in itself, usually silent. Usually, but not always!
In poetry, and often in songs (which are, after all, just poems set to music), a final silent ‘e’ often gets pronounced. This is one of the rules of “versification” – the rules that govern poetry in French.
Formal rules of poetry require that un vers (a verse) have a specific number of syllables. In order to properly count those syllables, you need to know the rules for counting. When it comes to terminal ‘e’s, you count (and pronounce) those syllables that end in an ‘e’ if they are followed by a consonant. If they’re followed by another vowel, then you don’t count (or pronounce) them. In songs, the rules are generally less formal, and whether a final (unaccented) ‘e’ is pronounced or not will often demand more on the rhythm which the singer or songwriter wishes to achieve than on the formal rules of versification.
In the song which follows, listen to how the singer pronounces the words âme (soul) (and in particular notice how sometimes the ‘e’ is pronounced, while others it is not), fête (party, celebration), rende (from the verb ‘rendre‘, ‘to return, to give back to’), méprise (‘think poorly of‘, ‘despise‘), demandes (from the verb ‘demander’, ‘to ask for/of), libre (‘free’), ivre (‘drunk’), blesse (from the verb ‘blesser’, ‘to harm, hurt’).
In the south of France, where the language is generally more musical, you’ll encounter this phenomena in spoken French as well.
A toi la fille qui me rend si | To you the girl who makes me so |
Dur et si tendre | Tough and tender |
Qui sait m’parler | Who knows how to talk to me |
Quand j’suis barré | When I’m in a bad way |
Qu’j’veux rien entendre | When I don’t want to hear anything |
Quand j’ai le cœur sourd | When my heart is deaf |
Quand j’ai le cœur lourd | When my heart is heavy |
Des pluies de peines | From the troubles that rain down |
Qu’a l’âme trempée dans de l’acier | On a soul soaked in iron |
Quand j’suis paumé que tout m’enchaîne | When I’m lost and overwhelmed |
J’ai parfois l’âme prise | And my soul is caught |
Dans des filets qui me tourmentent | In the nets of torment |
J’ai parfois l’âme grise | And my soul is gray |
Et si ce soir, tu me demandes | And if this evening you ask |
Comment ça va, ça va, ça va, ça va | How’s it going, going, going, going |
Sur ma planète | On my planet |
J’te répondrai ça va, ça va, ça va | I will respond if goes, goes, goes |
Comme-ci comme-ça | So so |
Les bières, les vins que je bois en vain | The beers and wines that I drink in vain |
N’ont pas le goût de la fête | Don’t have a taste of fun |
Mais tant qu’on a le cœur qui bat, qui bat | But as long as one’s heart continues to beat |
Ça va, ça va | It’s fine, fine |
A toi l’ami | To you the friend |
Le seul homme qui m’a tenu la main | The only man who held my hand |
Quand tous les jours je m’en faisais | When every day I was worried |
Pour les lendemains | About the future days to come |
Toi dont je sais que même blessé | You who even when hurt |
T’es toujours là | Is always there |
Pour me porter | To carry me |
Pour abréger | To ease |
Ma peine jusqu’à c’que je sois léger | My pain and make me light |
J’ai parfois l’âme en crise | I may have the soul in crisis |
Ma joie de vivre qu’on me la rende | Return my joy of life to me |
Mon bonheur me méprise | My happiness mocks me |
Et si ce soir tu me demandes | And this evening if you ask me |
Refrain | Refrain |
A ceux que j’ai parfois négligé | To those who I may have neglected |
Peut-être un peu libre | Treated perhaps lightly |
Pour pas déranger | So as not to offend |
Moi le naufragé | Me the drowning victim |
Sur mon bateau ivre | On my drifting boat |
J’ai pas de bouée | I have no buoy |
Pas de feu de détresse | No flares |
Je suis pas doué pour les caresses | I’ no good at caresses |
Mais si jamais vous m’demandez | But if ever you ask me |
Quand tout me blesse | When everything/everyone else hurts me |
Comment ça va, ça va, ça va | How goes it, goes it, goes it |
Sur ma planète | On my planet |
J’vous répondrai ça va, ça va, ça va | I will reply it goes, it goes, it goes |
Comme-ci comme-ça | So so |
Les bières, les vins que je bois en vain | The beers and wines that I drink in vain |
N’ont pas le goût de la fête | Don’t have a taste of fun |
Mais tant qu’on a le cœur qui bat, qui bat | But as long as one’s heart continues to beat |
Ça va, ça va | It’s fine, fine |
Refrain | Refrain |

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