French Weird Al – Oldelaf et Monsieur D Posted by John Bauer on Oct 14, 2015 in Culture, Music
Music parody champion Weird Al is celebrated for his wit and ability to imitate songs in both a funny and clever way. The only problem is il ne chante pas en français (he doesn’t sing in French)!
Heureusement (luckily), there is un groupe français (a French group) that nicely fills the music comedy niche! Oldelaf et Monsieur D is a comedic music group that uses music to make jokes. Le groupe often imitates different music styles, combining the styles with jokes in les paroles (the lyrics).
The first song I heard from Oldelaf et Monsieur D is Le Café. Une chanson marrante (a funny song) about a coffee-addicted Parisian. La chanson starts out as a normal day, but quikly spins out of control when le Parisien has trouble controlling both his life and his need for un café.
Check out the song and listen to some of their other songs to practice your French! A good laugh makes studying easier!
Le Café
Pour bien commencer ma petite journée
Et me réveiller moi j’ai pris un café
Un Arabica noir et bien corsé
J’enfile ma parka, ça y est je peux y aller
“Où est-ce que tu vas?” Me crie mon aimée
“Prenons un caoua, je viens de me lever”
Étant en avance et un peu forcé
Je change de sens et reprends un café
À huit heure moins le quart, il faut bien l’avouer
Les bureaux sont vides, on pourrait s’ennuyer
Mais je reste calme, je sais m’adapter
Le temps qu’ils arrivent j’ai le temps pour un café
La journée s’emballe, tout le monde peut bosser
Au moins jusqu’à l’heure de la pause café
Ma secrétaire rentre : “Fort comme vous l’aimez”
Ah mince, je viens d’en prendre, mais maintenant qu’il est fait…
Un repas d’affaire tout près du Sentier
Il fait un temps superbe mais je me sens stressé
Mes collègues se marrent “Détends-toi, René !”
“Prends un bon cigare et un p’tit café !”
Une fois fini, mes collègues crevés
Appellent un taxi, mais moi j’ai envie de sauter
Je fais tout Paris puis je vois un troquet
J’commande un déca, mais re-caféiné
J’arrive au bureau, ma secrétaire me fait :
“Vous êtes un peu en retard, je me suis inquiétée !”
Je la jette par la fenêtre, elle l’avait bien cherché
T’façon faut qu’je rentre, mais avant … un café
Attendant le métro je me fait agresser
Une p’tite vieille me dit : “Vous avez l’heure s’il vous plaît ?”
J’lui casse la tête et j’la pousse sur le quai
Je file à la maison et j’me sert un … devinez
“Papa, mon Papa ! En classe je suis premier !”
Putain, mais quoi ? Tu vas arrêter de me faire chier !
Mais qu’il est con, ce gosse, et en plus il se met à chialer!
Je m’enferme dans la cuisine, il reste un peu de café
Ça fait quatorze jours que je suis enfermé
J’suis seul dans ma cuisine et je bois du café
Il faudra bien qu’je dorme, les flics vont m’choper
Alors je cloue les portes et je reprends du café
To begin my little day
and wake up, I have a coffee
An Arabica, black and strong
I put on my parka, and now I can get going.
“Where are you going?” yells my lovely dear.
“Lets have a cup of joe, I just got up”
Being ahead of time, and a bit rushed
I change my mind and have another coffee.
At 7:45, I must admit,
the office is empty and one could get bored.
But I stay calm, I know how to adapt
Until they get here, I have time for a coffee.
As the day gets hectic, everyone can work
at least until coffee break.
My secretary comes in, “Strong, just like you like it.”
Shoot, I just had one, but since it’s already made…
A business lunch right near by Sentier
It’s beautiful day, yet I feel so stressed out.
My colleagues have some fun, “Chill out, René!”
“Have a good cigar and little coffee!”
Once finished, my colleagues, worn out,
call a taxi, but I just feel like jumping.
Running all over Paris, I see a little café
I order a re-caffeinated decaf
I get to the office, my secretary says to me,
“You’re a little late, I was getting worried!”
I threw her through the window, she was asking for it!
So, I had to go home, but first… a coffee.
Waiting for the subway, I’m attacked
when this little old lady asks me, “Might you have the time?”
I crack her head open and push her on the rails
I head home and pour myself… well, you know.
“Daddy, Daddy! I’m got the best grade in class!”
“Who the hell cares? Would you stop pissing me off?!”
I start feeling sick in the kitchen, there’s a little bit of coffee left.
That was a few days ago when I got sick
I am alone in my kitchen drinking coffee
I’ll need to sleep, the cops are on their way.
So I nailed shut the door and am having another coffee.
English Translation from Lyrics Translate.

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About the Author: John Bauer
John Bauer is an enthusiast for all things language and travel. He currently lives in France where he's doing his Master's. John came to France four years ago knowing nothing about the language or the country, but through all the mistakes over the years, he's started figuring things out.
Jenny Halliday:
The translation is woeful!
John Bauer:
@Jenny Halliday I put up one of the more litteral translations in the article, because I thought that it would help understand the French lyrics a bit more, even if it’s awkward at times. I’ve now changed it to a better translation, but feel free to go to the site and look at some of the other, often more fluid translations: Le Café – Lyrics Translate
There’s also a version of the video with English subtitles if you would prefer that: Le Café (English Subtitles).
J’espère que ça vous aide un peu ! Let me know if you have any other questions or comments!