French Language Blog

Le jardin secret (The Secret Garden) Posted by on Nov 22, 2010 in Vocabulary

Découvrir votre jardin secret (Discovering your secret garden)

Now, take a look around you, and tell us what you see?

Walk on les dalles (the pavers) which form l’allée (the path) making your way to la terrasse (the patio) and you will see why people outside don’t know about your jardin secret: It is thoroughly surrounded by une haie (a hedge) and une clôture (a fence.)

Along the path, there is une bordure (an edging), which of course you won’t cross, because you wouldn’t want to step on le gazon (or la pelouse, meaningthe lawn.)

Right next to the green gazon, there’s plenty of arbres (trees) and a beautifully colorful massif de fleurs (a clump of flowers), which you can admire in broad daylight, or even at night sometimes (if you happen to experience occasional insomnies !) thanks to une lanterne (a lantern) that you’ve installed for that very reason.

A good French book for beginners which teaches you how to create your own massif de fleurs (clump of flowers)

Not far from your plate-bande (flower bed), you have a nice little bassin de jardin (a garden pond), which contrasts very well with la rocaille (the rock garden) just a few steps away.

Once you’ve made it to la terrasse (again, the patio), you’ll see une table de jardin (a garden table), des chaises (chairs), all under a beautiful pergola (a pergola, or an arbor) which can be used decoratively to support des plantes grimpantes (climbing plants), such as labougainvillée (Bougainvillea) or le chèvrefeuille (honeysuckle.)

Having unepergola is actually a wonderful idea, because it allows you to have de l’ombre (shade) in your jardin while enjoying l’air frais (fresh air.)


The secrets are now out: Refreshing conseils (advice) of the French paysagiste (landscape gardner) Valentin Green: Forme, couleurmatière (material), are all very important when it comes to decorating or redecorating your jardin secret.

Needless to say, your garden wouldn’t preserve sa beauté (its beauty) if you didn’t take good care of it.

For this reason, you hold all of your outils de jardin (garden tools) inside la remise (the shed.)

Tomorrow, we will open the shed, and find out the French name of each one of these tools.

À demain !

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  1. Claire:

    Thanks for this lovely post. Ca m’a fait rêvé qu’un jour j’aurai aussi un beau jardin – ce n’est pas possible en plein centre ville!

    Just out of interest – did you know that here (in the UK and Ireland) the french word ‘sécateur’ is actually the word used in English for a pruning shears? Of course it has lost its proper french pronunciation, and it is now used in plural form (“secateurs”)!

  2. Wally:

    Thanks for an great post. C’est un beau jardin!!