French Language Blog

Let’s get moving French style Posted by on Aug 17, 2021 in Culture, Language, Sports

I’ve talked before about some of the ways that the French government has been focused on encouraging people to live healthy lives. As mentioned last week, this is also a concern for the Paris 2024 Olympic Committee who wants to use the upcoming games to mettre plus de sport dans le quotidien des Français.

Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels

But they’re not waiting till 2024 to make their mark. The Paris 2024 Olympic Committee is using the build up to the games to share their message. They want people to get moving French style!

A mouvement … about movement!

Paris 2024 has a great website and a YouTube channel where you can keep up with all the latest news and information about the games. That’s where I found this fun “informercial” for keeping active. You can also check out this great clip in which La Marseillaise s’empare de Paris1The Marseillaise takes over/grabs onto Paris or this amazing course sur les toits de Paris2race over the rooftops of Paris.

Marre d’écouter de la musique tout seul dans ton coin? Tired of listening to music all alone in your corner?
Les soirées télé-pizza, t’as eu ta dose? Tired of nights in front of the tv with pizza?
Plus de 7 (sept) heures assis? More than seven hours sitting?
On court de vrais risques de santé. You’re taking real chances with your health.
Heureusement, il y a la méthode … Fortunately there is the … method!
2024 secondes! 2024 seconds!
Allez les jeunes, il faut bouger au moins 30 minutes par jour ! Let’s go, kids! You must move at least 30 minutes a day!
C’est parti pour l’aérobic ! Time for aerobics!
Wouuh, super gainange ! Wow, look at that progress!
Fais un beau balayage, mets ton plus beau body et va courir! Get some highlights, put on your best bodysuit, and get running!
Dehors ou dedans, c’est pas compliqué! Outside or in, it’s not complicated!
Tu vas voir, on se sent beaucoup mieux! You’ll see, you’ll feel so much better!
Faut bouger pour rester jeune! You’ve got to move to stay young!
Ceci n’est pas une pub. This is not a commercial.
Mais le message est vrai. But the message is real.
Ouais, le message est vrai! (#Bougez30minutes) Yeah, the message is true!
Eh, pas besoin d’en faire trop, hein. Hey, there’s no need to overdo it, say.
Ah bon? Oh yeah?
Bouge, bouge, bouge ton body! Move, move, move your body!

In other news …

Last week was a big one for fans of le foot français3French soccer. On Tuesday (le 10 août4August 10), the Argentinian superstar Lionel Messi officially joined l’équipe5the team Paris-Saint-Germain for at least the next two years. In the words of one fan, the news was “incroyable, le meilleur joueur de tous les temps qui vient à Paris, il n’y a pas de mots6unbelievable, the best player of all time and he comes to Paris, there are no words.

Messi’s official introduction (along with four other new players) was a highlight (for the PSG fans, at least) of Saturday’s first game at the Parc des Princes during which the team beat Strasbourg 4 – 2.

Work it!

  • 1
    The Marseillaise takes over/grabs onto Paris
  • 2
    race over the rooftops of Paris
  • 3
    French soccer
  • 4
    August 10
  • 5
    the team
  • 6
    unbelievable, the best player of all time and he comes to Paris, there are no words
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About the Author: Tim Hildreth

Since my first trip to France at 16, I have been a passionate francophile. I love the language, food, music, art, people, and more that make France and la Francophonie in general such an amazing part of our global community. Having lived in France and studied the language and culture for over 35 years, it is my great pleasure to be able to share a little bit of my deep love with you through this blog.