French Language Blog

A novel solution to food waste Posted by on May 18, 2021 in Environment, Literature, News, Uncategorized, Vocabulary

Sustainability is a topic we hear a lot about these days. Global initiatives like the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development encourage all of us to think about ways that we can help ensure that our home remains vibrant and viable. This week I came across a novel solution to food waste that might help with UN Objective 2, Gaspillez moins la nourriture et soutenez l’agriculture locale.

Photo by Christian West from Pexels

Photo by Christian West from Pexels [CC0]

A novel solution to food waste

Every year, over $1,000,000,000,0001one trillion! worth of food – as much as one-third of all food produced – is wasted2UNEP; WFPUSA. “Le gaspillage alimentaire est défini comme toute nourriture destinée à la consommation humaine qui, à une étape de la chaîne alimentaire, est perdue, jetée ou dégradée.3Food waste is defined as any food destined for human consumption that, at any stage of the distribution cycle, is lost, thrown away, or damaged.

With a goal of reducing food waste by half, France in 2016 was the first country in the world to legislate a broad set of laws aimed at reducing food waste. “Sa principale mesure consiste à obliger chaque supermarché de plus de 400 m² à rechercher un partenariat avec une association d’aide alimentaire pour lui céder ses invendus alimentaires, au lieu des les jeter ou de les détruire.”4The main measures require supermarkets larger than 400 m2 to seek out partnerships with food-based charities to give them unsold merchandise instead of throwing it out or destroying it.

While the law has had a positive impact, 33% of food waste happens during the phase de consommation5during consumption; in the home, representing 30 kg per person, per year including 7 kg of food thrown out still in it’s original packaging6Ministère de la Transition Écologique. The town of Saint-Cernin in the Cantal region of France has come up with their own novel solution called “Une poule à la maison“. The town administration made available a chicken for any of the inhabitants who were interested. Now over half of the town’s 300 homes has their very own poule who can not only consume as much as 150 kg of kitchen scraps a year but will also provide the home owners with des œufs!  Check it out here.

Ivre ou soûl?

While I would never encourage anyone to drink too much, l’abus d’alcool nuit à la santé7too much alcohol is bad for your health, I heard a beautiful phrase this week that I thought was worth pausing to explore. The great Fanny Ardant8You can catch her in the French film 8 Femmes … or see her dance in the video for the fun Mika song Elle me dit. in Chic! (un comédie romantique/romcom centered on the fashion world. Cliquez ici pour la bande announce.9Click here to see the trailer.) tells a new love interest “Non tu ne me soûle pas, tu m’enivres.

The French adjectives soûl and ivre are synonyms that both mean drunkIl (ou elle) est ivre means the same thing as Il (ou elle) est soûl.e … both mean that He (or she) is drunk. The corresponding verbs are also synonymous but, at least when used idiomatically, they can have slightly different meanings, different meanings that give Fanny’s quote above its charm.

While both expressions mean to make drunk, when used metaphorically the two split in opposite directions. The verb soûler (to make drunk) when used metaphorically has connotations of providing too much of something in a negative way. If someone says to you “Tu me soûles … ” it means your annoying them, they’ve had enough, … where as with ivre you can be ivre mort.e10dead drunk but also ivre d’amour11drunk on love or ivre de bonheur12drunk on happiness (Le petit Larousse Grand Format, 200013There’s something charming (to me at least) about a book called “The small/little Larousse, large format! 😉).

More deep thoughts from de la Rochefoucauld


L’esperance, toute trompeuse qu’elle est, sert au moins à nous mener à la fin de la vie par un chemin agréable.


Hope, as misleading as she can be, serves at least to make life’s journey more pleasant.


Il vaut mieux employer notre esprit à supporter les infortunes qui nous arrivent qu’à prévoir celles qui peuvent arriver.


Better to employ our energy dealing with the misfortunes that befall us than planning for those that could.
  • 1
    one trillion!
  • 2
  • 3
    Food waste is defined as any food destined for human consumption that, at any stage of the distribution cycle, is lost, thrown away, or damaged.
  • 4
    The main measures require supermarkets larger than 400 m2 to seek out partnerships with food-based charities to give them unsold merchandise instead of throwing it out or destroying it.
  • 5
    during consumption; in the home
  • 6
  • 7
    too much alcohol is bad for your health
  • 8
    You can catch her in the French film 8 Femmes … or see her dance in the video for the fun Mika song Elle me dit.
  • 9
    Click here to see the trailer.
  • 10
    dead drunk
  • 11
    drunk on love
  • 12
    drunk on happiness
  • 13
    There’s something charming (to me at least) about a book called “The small/little Larousse, large format! 😉
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About the Author: Tim Hildreth

Since my first trip to France at 16, I have been a passionate francophile. I love the language, food, music, art, people, and more that make France and la Francophonie in general such an amazing part of our global community. Having lived in France and studied the language and culture for over 35 years, it is my great pleasure to be able to share a little bit of my deep love with you through this blog.