French Language Blog

Outils de Jardin: Garden Tools in French Posted by on Nov 23, 2010 in Vocabulary

 Pour cultiver votre jardin secret (To cultivate your Secret Garden), you need to open la remise (the shed) and get les outils de jardin (the garden tools.)

* Afin de remuer le sol
(in order to loosen the soil) you will need:

– Une pelle (a shovel), and a smaller coupe-bordures (a lawn edger)
– Une bêche (a spade) and une bêche à dents (a garden fork), which is also called une fourche à bêcher.
– Un râteau (a rake)
Une houe (a hoe)

* Les principaux outils pour couper les plantes et les branches (the main tools for cutting plants and branches) are:

– Le sécateur (loppers, or pruning shears)
– La faucille (the sickle)
– Les cisailles à haies (the hedge shears)
Un taille-haie (a hedge trimmer), and maybe even unetronçonneuse (a chainsaw.)Well, as a safety measure, just make sure the latter stays away from the hands of Rémi Gaillard. You never know, after his Vendredi 13 performance at the Hardware store, he may want this time to make a parody of “Massacre à la tronçonneuse.”

Like we saw yesterday, le sécateur is an invention of French politician Bertrand de Molleville, whose personal secretary was the father of Honoré de Balzac
– Warning! “Zis vidéo of Jardin de France iz prezented in English, but Ze French accent iz very powerful!”

* To take care of la pelouse or le gazon (the lawn), you’ll mostly need:

– Une tondeuse (a mower)
Un aérateur à gazon (a lawn aerator), to improve le drainage du sol (soil drainage)
Un balai à feuilles (a lawn rake), to remove all the feuilles mortes (dead leaves) of the Fall season, and take them to le bac à compost (compost bin.)


A huge bac à compost (a compost bin) full of feuilles mortes(dead leaves)

* Other important outils include:

La truelle, also called un transplantoir (a trowel), which is like a small pelle (shovel.)
Un désherbeur or a tire-racine (a weeder)
Une serfouette (a weeding hoe)
Une griffe à fleurs (a cultiavtor)

Une serfouette (a weeding hoe)

* Finally, to water your jardin, you will need des arroseurs (sprinklers), or a simple arrosoir (a watering can) that you can use with your own hands!

Une griffe à fleurs assez drôle (a rather funny hand cultiavtor)!

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  1. Pascal:

    This is a very useful post. Thank you for sharing.

  2. wesam:

    soil drinage befor farming gazon?