Recommended for vous Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 14, 2018 in Culture, Grammar, Vocabulary
Back at the end of mai (May) / début juin (start of June) I shared a couple of contes (stories, short tales) that I found online. I shared them both because they had some good vocabulary and because I was fascinated by the morality they (attempted) to share. Both tales reflected both a simpler and a more simplistic view of la bonne conduite (good/proper behavior) for boys and girls of a certain time.
In digging deeper into the original source text, I found two more contes que je voudrais partager avec vous (tales that I would like to share with you). This week we’ll look at some more advice pour les garçons (for the boys).
Le conseil* / The recommendation
If you want to be liked by everyone, my son, | |
Don’t ever repeat what you hear said / what you over hear, | |
And don’t speak about what you see people do to each other. | |
People flee from a child who repeats what he’s heard/who tattles | |
And as soon as one sees them, they quiet down; | |
Even their parents are wary, and he is left (alone) by all. |

* I’ve translated conseil as recommendation, but it can also mean advice, and also council (both in the figurative sense and literal).
Photo credit [CC0] by Kat Jayne from Pexels

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