French Language Blog

Tag Archives: avoir

Beginner French: Conjugating Avoir Posted by on Jul 27, 2010

Bonjour mes amis débutants! (Hello, my beginner friends!) Hichem and I have so much fun exploring French slang, literature and culture, that we sometimes forget that not everyone is ready for tout ça (all that). Starting ce soir (tonight), we’ll begin Beginner Posts, especially aimed at les débutants who are just starting to learn French…

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Auxiliaries Être and Avoir Posted by on Nov 17, 2008

In French, the verbs être and avoir are considered auxiliaries when followed by a past participle and, thus, used to form the perfect tenses much like have/has/had are auxiliaries in English.  Just as have/has/had, être and avoir are also regular, normal verbs as well. AVOIR is the auxiliary that is used with most verbs. ÊTRE…

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