Tag Archives: chanson française
French Music – Saint André Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 11, 2020

We had Groundhog Day here in the US recently. The Groundhog Day tradition veut (is supposed to mean) that the arrival of spring will – or will not be – early depending on whether la marmotte (the groundhog) sees its ombre (shadow) or not. En attendant le printemps Regardless of what the groundhog said, we…
French Music – A Christmas Song Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 24, 2019

Today is le réveillon de Noël (Christmas eve) … et demain c’est Noël (tomorrow is Christmas). And while it is a time of joy and celebrations for many, it is also a time to remember those who cannot fully enjoy the saison des fêtes (holiday season) for whatever reason. In 2015, the French singer Michel Polnareff released…
French Culture – Songs, songs, songs Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 10, 2019

Le nouvel an (New years) is just a few short weeks away, but it’s not just a new year, it’s a whole new décenie (decade). The perfect time for a look back … and for un cadeau (a gift). In the new year, Transparent Language will be sponsoring a “greatest hits” Spotify list of songs…
Retro French Music – Michel Fugain Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 5, 2019

Michel Fugain is a French singer and songwriter who, with his ‘Big Bazar’, chanté l’insouciance et la joie de vivre (sang about being carefree and about the joys of living). This week, just for fun, a song from the early 1970’s that embodies this spirit (and will, I hope, tide you over until i have…
French Music – Christophe Willem Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 18, 2019

Christophe Willem exploded onto the French pop scene in 2006 when he won the French singing competition Nouvelle Star (the French version of American Idol / Pop Idol). Since then he’s become one of my favorite singers, though his songs (and particularly his videos) aren’t always well suited for a blog. I recently came across…
French Culture – Canadian Style Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 9, 2019

While my taste in all things French tends to run to the France French, if you’ve read me before you know that I have family in Québec and I go there from time to time. I also like to keep up when I can with how the culture is evolving up there. This week I…
French Music – Katty Line Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 11, 2018

December is here and the holidays are right around the corner! After the last few weeks looking back to World War I and the recent protests that have rocked France, I thought we could all use something a little lighter … something like this great groovy 1960’s hit from Katty Line. Qui est Katty Line?…