Tag Archives: French music
French Music – Saint André Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 11, 2020

We had Groundhog Day here in the US recently. The Groundhog Day tradition veut (is supposed to mean) that the arrival of spring will – or will not be – early depending on whether la marmotte (the groundhog) sees its ombre (shadow) or not. En attendant le printemps Regardless of what the groundhog said, we…
French Culture – Oh what a year! Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 31, 2019

It is once again New Year’s Eve, and around the world people are greeting un nouvel an even as they look back at the year (et toute une décennie ! / and a whole decade) that is coming to an end. And what a year it was! Les Français dans les rues As far back as La Révolution…
French Culture – Songs, songs, songs Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 10, 2019

Le nouvel an (New years) is just a few short weeks away, but it’s not just a new year, it’s a whole new décenie (decade). The perfect time for a look back … and for un cadeau (a gift). In the new year, Transparent Language will be sponsoring a “greatest hits” Spotify list of songs…
Retro French Music – Michel Fugain Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 5, 2019

Michel Fugain is a French singer and songwriter who, with his ‘Big Bazar’, chanté l’insouciance et la joie de vivre (sang about being carefree and about the joys of living). This week, just for fun, a song from the early 1970’s that embodies this spirit (and will, I hope, tide you over until i have…
French Music – Michel Polnareff Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 1, 2019

As one season (l’été) turns into another (l’automne), I find it’s time for another song that evokes memory, loss, and the oncoming of fall. Je me souviens, moi, Me, I remember, De ce musicien That musician C’était l’automne à It was fall at La maison The house Je me souviens, moi, I remember, I do…
French Music – Juliette Greco Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 27, 2019
Juliette Gréco, whose career spanned more than 70 years, is an emblematic star of French cinema and song. She interpreted songs by artists from Jacques Brel to Serge Gainsbourg … and even had a romantic relationship with the American Jazz legend Miles Davis. Little French Songs As France’s former first lady Carla Bruni reminded us…
French Music – Michel Delpech Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 13, 2019

We’ve just had our first few cool nights here in the Northeastern United States and while still weeks away, it got me thinking about a fall state of mind. En France, la fin de l’été et le début de l’automne signale l’ouverture de la chasse (In France, the end of summer and the beginning of…