Tag Archives: French music
French Music – Christophe Willem Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 18, 2019

Christophe Willem exploded onto the French pop scene in 2006 when he won the French singing competition Nouvelle Star (the French version of American Idol / Pop Idol). Since then he’s become one of my favorite singers, though his songs (and particularly his videos) aren’t always well suited for a blog. I recently came across…
French Music – Nach Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 30, 2019

The global music scene is so diverse these days. Musical styles and personal styles mix to give us fun and inspiring songs that reflect a broader sense of the human condition. I really like this song from the French singer Nach and its message. Nach (Anne Chedid) is another scion of the well known Chedid…
French Music – Spring is in the air Posted by Tim Hildreth on Mar 19, 2019

This year, here in the northern hemisphere, le mercredi 20 mars (Wednesday, March 20th), is le premier jour du printemps (the first day of spring)! What better time to share another fun French-language song, one that kicks off la nouvelle saison* (the new season) tout en joie (with joy). C’est l’printemps / It’s spring This…
French Language – Learning New Words Posted by Tim Hildreth on Mar 5, 2019

As I read, listen to the latest news from France, and explore new music, I like to jot down ideas for blog posts. Sometimes (like last week) those items come together in a cohesive story. Sometimes, like this week, they’re a real méli-mélo. Méli-mélo Méli-mélo is a great little expression that means a mish-mash, a mixed bag…
French language and culture – the past as prologue Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 19, 2019

I’ve talked about nostalgia before. I’ve also shared mid-century songs from French yé-yé singers like Katty Line and Jacqueline Taïeb . But as the movement known as les gilets jaunes enters its third month, I had to share this new oldie I came across. Plus ça change… / The more things change… While les gilets jaunes don’t have…
French Music – More from Calogero Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 22, 2019

Calogero has quickly become one of my favorite French singers. He has a way of combining great melodies with powerful language that evokes emotions, memories, and plein de sentiments (lots of emotion). Like Voler de Nuit which I shared previously, the song below is from his great 2017 album Liberté chérie (Cherished freedom). On a tous …
French language and culture – remembering New Year’s Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 1, 2019

Bonne Année 2019! Happy New Year! Le jour de l’an (New Year’s Day)* is a time for looking ahead and for looking back. And looking back over the last year got me thinking about the related vocabulary of memories. Like English, French has multiple words for remembering. For the most part, they mean the same…