Tag Archives: oscars
French at the movies Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 5, 2022

Almost lost in the aftermath of the gilfe that rocked the Oscar’s ceremony il y a dix jours was the amazing performance of the film Coda. The film, a remake of a 2014 French hit, took home the awards for meilleur acteur secondaire, meilleur scénario adapté, and of course meilleur film. La famille Bélier Like its French fore-bearer, Coda…
Belgians Finally Poking Fun Back at the French Posted by Hichem on Mar 3, 2012
More than 100 years of countless many French blagues (jokes) at the expense of Belgians, and the compatriots of Jacques Brel never felt like retaliating against the shenanigans of their misbehaving southern neighbors… Well, not until recently, that is! Were they only biding their time? Here’s something pretty funny for you: Although this can sound a bit strange or…
Le Prix Lumière—Or The French equivalent of the Golden Globes Posted by Hichem on Jan 18, 2011
Place au cinéma français aujourd’hui (Today, it’s time to talk about French Film)! Qui ne connait pas de nos jours les Oscars et les Golden Globes (Who doesn’t nowadays know the Oscars and the Golden Globes)… In France, the equivalent of these two awards of le septième art (“Seventh Art”, referring to Film, according to the Hegelian ranking…