French Language Blog

Tag Archives: present perfect in French

French Grammar: Using *Depuis*! Posted by on Apr 17, 2014

Un peu de grammaire aujourd’hui (A little bit of grammar today)! Here is a “flashback lesson” from The French Blog, using sentences which you might hear if you are talking to French people. Today, we’ll focus on the word “depuis“, which usually means “since.” Let us see the different cases it can be used…

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French Grammar – Depuis Posted by on Aug 3, 2009

Today a little grammar.  Here are some sentences you might hear if you are talking to French people: Vous êtes en France depuis quand? (How long have you been in France?) Vous habitez Paris depuis combien de temps? (How long have you been living in Paris?) J’habite à Paris depuis quinze ans. (I’ve been living…

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