Tag Archives: vocabulary
The Ultimate Transparent French Blog 2016 Year in Review Quiz Posted by Josh Dougherty on Jan 5, 2017

Another year has come and gone, and what a year it was. The team at Transparent has had a lot of fun writing articles for you every week, but now we’re going to test to see how much you retained đ In 2016, the French blog received almost one million hits! We also added another…
Le Temps: Both Time and Weather? Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Oct 10, 2016

In French, le temps can mean both “time” and “weather”–which can be a bit confusing for new French learners. In French, le temps when referring specifically to time refers to time in the abstract. That means that you cannot ask the equivalent of “What time is it?” in French (Quel temps est-il, which is not correct). Rather, you would ask…
Vocabulaire de la plage Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on May 26, 2015
Aujourd’hui, je suis allĂ©e Ă la plage avec ma famille. Mon fils, qui a 2 ans, adore jouer dans le sable. Alors je lui ai apportĂ©Â un seau et une pelle. Il s’est amusĂ© pendant des heures Ă cacher des petits objets dans le sable et Ă chercher des coquillages. Mais il faut toujours rester prudent Ă …
Le Jardinage Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on May 11, 2015
I can’t resist: This week blossoms bloomed where I am in New York as the weather finally began to warm up. So I’m dedicating this post to the lovely flowers I see outside of my window, the dogwoods, tulips, daffodils, magnolias, and pansies that make me want to step outside of my dark office and enjoy…
How to make “des noms dĂ©rivĂ©s” in French Posted by Adir on Jun 1, 2012
Des noms dĂ©rivĂ©s are nouns that come from a verb and some verbs follow a pattern to do that in French. So here’s a little exercise for you: I will give you an example and you will provide the noun form, ok? Let’s try that! -ment charger (to charge) – le chargement Do the same…