French Language Blog

Travel and volcanoes! Posted by on Apr 20, 2010 in Vocabulary

Le volcan Eygalskjfksdfjncadufhaushdfsksjfaskjdfsjdsaa has really changed the game for le transport aérien (aerial transportation). It has directed traffic to other forms of travel, as well as to the pleasures of being cloué à Paris or wherever you are stranded (if you keep your bonne humeur!). For us, it’s a chance to brush up on some mots de vocabulaire you might need if you were in l’Aéroport Charles de Gaulle right now.

À la une (On the front page):

Un volcan: A volcano

Une nuage de cendres: An ash cloud; la vengeance d’Islande (the revenge of Iceland!)

Un avion: an airplane

Un vol: a flight

Un aéroport: a hotel JUST KIDDING an airport

Un moteur: a motor

Un billet: a ticket

Un billet non remboursable: dommage! (too bad!)

Autres options (Other options):

Une voiture: A car

Louer une voiture: To rent a car

Un train: A train

Un ferry: A ferry

Un bus: A bus

Un héliocoptère: A helicopter

Marcher: To walk

Nager: To swim

Détester cette espèce de volcan: To hate this stupid volcano

Les responsables (Those responsible):

L’Islande: Iceland

Les compagnie aériennes:  The airlines

Les  sismologues: The seismologists

L’espoir (Hope):

Un vol test: A test flight

Les vents faibles: weak winds

Un autre couloir de vol: Another flight path

L’évaluation de risque: The evaluation of risk

How many of these words can you pick out in this clip from Le Monde?

“C’est un peu la panique à bord”

The silver lining of Eyjafjöll, c’est ce tee shirt: We may not have cash, but we’ve got ash!

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  1. Cynthia:

    What a wonderful post! This can be my French lesson for the day, as I prepare for my trip to Paris – which is exactly five months and three days away. While I certainly can sympathize with the pain and anguish this natural disaster is having on travelers worldwide, whether nearby or far away from the volcano, your post provides helpful and timely information. : ) Thanks!

  2. cindi:

    I liked the post about Iceland. It was funny.

  3. Delana Nelsen:

    In fact, travel was a perfect choice at this time. Very funny!

  4. macpage:

    That`s an interesting way to learn french !