The French Robot from EuroTrip Posted by Hichem on Jun 10, 2011 in Music, Vocabulary
As the fin de semaine (end of the week) is already upon us, what could be better than something to remind you of a fun “French souvenir“, so to speak.
If you watched (over and over, for some) the movie “EuroTrip“, the now “classic” American comedy that hit the theaters a few years ago, you cannot seriously not remember “le robot français” who was “performing”right outside of le Louvres !
Mesdames et messieurs (ladies and gents), the honorific title of “numéro un” (“Number One”) Most Memorable French character of EUROTRIP goes incontestablement (unquestionably) to “Le robot du Louvres“!
But before checking out le drôle de robot (the funny robot), here’s a scene that was “coupée” (meaning “cut”, or “deleted”) from the original movie, which you definitely ought to see, as it may finally deliver the secret of the alleged “rudeness” that makes French waiters o-so-famous (or infamous) worldwide, especially towards Americans: A super cliche-esque middle-aged “garçon” named “Jean-Luc (nicknamed le grossier!)” is confronted to the “grivèlerie” (an old French term for “Dine-and-Ditch”) of American clients: From General Patton in WWII, “Monsieur Jim Morrisson” in 1969, the American Soccer team (most likely meant to be in 1998, during the World Cup held in France), to the present day!
Right outside of le musée du Louvre, “la bagarre des robots” (“Fight of the robots”)—Matrix-style!
The role of the EuroTrip “robot français” is played by American actor J.P. Manoux who, at one time in the 1990’s, seemed to have been more célèbre (famous) than George Clooney!
As J.P. was on a “Euro trip” of his own, interviewing people with Noah Wyle of “ER” fame, he met some French tourists who thought he was asking them about “George le clown“… 🙂 (Later on, George and J.P. would both play in “Ocean’s Eleven“)
Another memorable EuroTrip “French scene”: Les hooligans of Manchester United terrorizing “Ze French” in Paris—Run, François, ruuun!
(“François”, of course, is still wearing the good old French jersey of the 80’s…)
“Nonchalant“, a French interpretation of The Who song “My Generation“, by French-Canadian (québécois) rock group Chapeaumelon (Part of the EuroTrip soundtrack)
“Le mot de sécurité” (“the safety word”):In comparison at least, les mots français (French words) are way easier to pronounce!
The famous queue interminable (unending line) to get into le Louvre—Bonne chance (good luck)! By the way, the song you heard during the brief “peek” is called “Propser”, by Maurice Chevalier
“Prosper”, performed “old-style” by a younger fan of Maurice Chevalier
Finally, you may remember this French song played during the movie: “Ça plane pour moi” (something like the expression “It’s smooth sailing”) by Belgian-Ukranian singer “Plastic Bertrand” (in 1977!)
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“Plastic Bertrand” is also known for his “Astérix est là!“, the original soundtrack of the French animated movie “Astérix et la Surprise de César” (In English “Asterix Versus Caesar”)

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