French Language Blog

Who’s Haunted by “Le Fantôme de l’Opéra”? Posted by on Jun 2, 2011 in Culture, Music, Vocabulary

As your keen powers of observation have infallibly prompted you to notice, it is the second time d’affilée (in a row) that des fantômes (ghosts) boast a prominent appearance here on The French Blog… But don’t panic just yet, or speed dial the “S.O.S. Fantômes” (“Ghostbusters”) emergency line. 

Unlike “Ça” of the previous post, today’s phantom wears no makeup or some silly pair of chaussures rouges (red shoes)… No Sir! In fact, this one wields a red rose, and happens to be endowed with a comparatively more “raffiné” sense of fashion—Not to mention, of course, a fine, lyric, tenor voice that leaves no further choice to his hapless, opéra-loving, victim but be thoroughly mesmerized.

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First, the Nightwish (English) version of “The Phantom of the Opera” (with a Captain Jack Sparrow hitting the keyboard!)

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A quite remarkable reprise instrumentale (instrumental cover) by Luke Hatton that leaves some of the “shredding” genre fans wondering: What would Sylvain Cloux do out of this theme?

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Finally, la version française based on Gaston Leroux‘s novel “Le Fantôme de l’Opéra” (the lyrics provided below are preferred to the faulty translation offered by the video)

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Cecilia Cara is the French voice behind “Christine Daaé”, and Laurent Bàn for the voice of “le Fantôme de l’Opéra“, in the 2004 movie adaptation

* Christine Daaé:

La nuit dans mon sommeil

At night, in my sleep

Se glisse un homme

A man slips in

Sa voix éclate en moi

His voice bursts in me

Sa voix me somme

His voice summons me

Serait-ce un rêve encore?

Could it be a dream again?

Mais cette fois

But this time

Je sais que le fantôme de l’opéra est là en moi

I know that the Phantom of the Opera is in my mind



* Le Fantôme:

Ce soir la scène est mise

Tonight the stage is set

Nos chants se mêlent

Our singing voices blend

Ma main, mes mots, ma voix

My hand, my words, my voice

Je t’ensorcelle

I cast a spell on you

Et si ton doux regard

And if your soft gaze

Se perd parfois

Is lost sometimes

Tu sais que le fantôme de l’opéra est là en toi

You know that the Phantom of the Opera is inside your mind



* Christine Daaé:

Ceux qui vous voient en face

Those who see you face to face

Sont pris d’effroi

Are awe-stricken

Je suis un masque pour vous

I am a mask for you


* Le Fantôme:

Je suis ta voix

I am your voice



* Duo:

Votre (Mon) esprit et mon (ton) chant

Your (My) spirit and my (your) singing

S’envolent ou ploient

Fly or bend

Je (Tu) sais que le fantôme de l’opéra

I (you) know that the Phantom of the Opera

Est la en moi (toi)

Is in my (your) mind


* Christine Daaé:

C’est lui

It’s him

C’est le fantôme de l’opéra

It’s the Phantom of the Opera

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(Et la version techno pour la fin!)

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  1. vincent: voudrais bien parler francais..

    • Hichem:

      @vincent Cher Vincent, le French Blog est ici pour vous aider à améliorer votre français!

  2. Andreas:

    Salut, Hichem
    Les fantoms sont très sympas. J’aime ce genre:
    la mystère, des fantpms, vampires, etc.