German Language Blog

Archive for January, 2009

We learn… Posted by on Jan 31, 2009

Hallo! Wissen Sie, learning a language is a lot like building a puzzle. You learn bits and pieces of information, try to make sense of them and see how they all fit together. Making those connections strengthens your ability to recall the information. It’s about noticing the subtle linguistic differences, questioning why and finding the…

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Einen wunderschönen Nachmittag Posted by on Jan 31, 2009

In Germany, Kaffee trinken is an important social event. Die meisten Frauen enjoy having weekly — sometimes monthly – gatherings called Kaffeeklatsch. Für sie, it is as much about the taste of Kaffee as it is about whom they share it with (No coffee on the go here!) It is an opportunity to catch up…

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How about a movie? Posted by on Jan 31, 2009

Hallo!  Do you want to practice your German listening skills? Möchten Sie etwas ausprobieren? etwas dass wir miteinander besprechen könnten? How would you like to watch a movie in German, and then comment on it? The movie we will watch is called: Otto und das Reich (936-973) It is part of a historical series called…

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Some of my favorite Sprichwörter Posted by on Jan 30, 2009

Guten Abend, Da es Freitagabend ist, I felt like switching gears by sharing some of my favorite proverbs with you. So here we go: Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren, man kann ihm nur helfen, sich selbst zu entdecken… We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves – Galileo Galilei Behandle die…

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Meine Lieblingsstadt Posted by on Jan 25, 2009

Grüß Gott! Wie Geht’s? Since I wrote about the Schwäbisch dialect in my last Post, it seemed appropriate to talk about one of the cities located in der Gegend historically known as Swabia. Diese Stadt – meine Lieblingsstadt — is called Heidelberg. Founded in the 12th century, it is nestled in dem Odenwald in Baden-Württemberg…

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Schwäbisch Alltag Dialekt Posted by on Jan 23, 2009

Guten Tag! or as you would say in  Swabian: Grüss Gott! Over the next few Wochen, we’ll explore some of the major German dialects. Today, I’ll introduce you to some expressions in the Schwäbisch Alltag (everyday/daily life), Swabian dialect. The Schwäbische Mundart is considered an Alamannic Upper German dialect. Nächste Woche, I’ll compare it to another dialect, and so on… this will show you…

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Der Wetterbericht mit Lupin! Posted by on Jan 11, 2009

Hallo! Vor ein paar Tagen, sah ich diese Geschichte an den Nachrichten (news) ; I loved it! Ich finde dass this story eine gute Angelegenheit für Sie ist to be exposed to some German Wetter (weather) terms and more!  Here is what Jörg Kachelmann, the weather man, had to say about Lupin die Katze and how it snuck into the studio during his forecast…

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