Der Wetterbericht mit Lupin! Posted by Transparent Language on Jan 11, 2009 in Uncategorized
Vor ein paar Tagen, sah ich diese Geschichte an den Nachrichten (news) ; I loved it! Ich finde dass this story eine gute Angelegenheit für Sie ist to be exposed to some German Wetter (weather) terms and more!
Here is what Jörg Kachelmann, the weather man, had to say about Lupin die Katze and how it snuck into the studio during his forecast:
“I don’t know how he got into the studio,” Kachelmann said, adding Lupin belonged to a weather studio colleague who was out of town. “I noticed him when he rubbed against my leg and thought people might wonder what was happening. I figured it would be easier to control the cat by picking him up. Cats get annoyed if they feel ignored. So I made sure he didn’t feel ignored. I know the English have a saying about raining cats and dogs but unfortunately I couldn’t make that joke in Germany.” (as reported by
*Katze is a generic term for cat but, depending on the gender of the cat, you might say: Die Katze (feminin), or der Kater (masculin). Kater is also slang for hangover.
I transcribed most of the events chronologically; this should help you follow along once you’re ready to watch the clip:
- Und jetzt zum Wetter — and now onto the weather
- Schönen Abend, herzlich willkommen — good evening, a heartfelt welcome
- Schneefälle — snow showers
- Langsam aber sicher — slowly but surely
- Das ganze wird immer schwächer — the whole thing will eventually taper off
- Das ganze wird sich jetzt in die Nacht hinein beruhigen — the whole thing will slow down, or calm down during the night
- Hochdruck — high pressure
- Morgen — tomorrow
- Morgen früh — tomorrow morning
- Morgen Mittag — tomorrow afternoon
- Klare Nächte und vor allem sehr tiefe Temperaturen heute Nacht — clear nights, and above all, very low temperatures tonight
- Unsere Studiokatze ist auch gerade unerlaubterweise hier drin — our studio cat just happens to be in here without permission
This cat is just too much. Notice how Mr. Kachelmann never skips a beat and just goes on with the weather report.
- Aber ich behalt sie einfach mal — but I’ll just hold on to her for now
- Hören Sie noch was? — can you still hear something?
- Ja, das Mikrophone lassen wir frei — yes, we’ll leave the microphone unobstructed
- Also — all right
- Weniger — less
- Vormittag — morning or before noon
- Im laufe des Tages — throughout the day
- Sonnig — sunny
- MI — Mittwoch — wednesday
- DO — Donnerstag — thursday
- FR– Freitag — friday
- Zumindest noch bis zum Wochenende einiger maßen Winterlich — more or less wintery, at least until the week-end
- Die Katzen haben hoffentlich ein dickes Fell in die Nächten — hopefully, cats have a thick-enough coat that will carry them through the nights (?)
- Tschüss — bye
Bis bald!

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