Archive for 'Uncategorized'
How to translate the untranslatable German word Gemeinheit Posted by Sten on Aug 30, 2021

Thanks to our reader Rob Prichard for pointing out that die Gemeinheit is a word that is rather untranslatable in our post on the word Multikulti. Never thought about that one as untranslatable! But let’s find out why, and what you might want to translate it as! What does Gemeinheit mean? A Gemeinheit is a mean thing somebody does to you…
Germany’s 5 Steps To Get Rid of COVID Posted by Sten on Mar 5, 2021

Since March 1, die Friseure (hair salons) opened again in Germany. Finally! After months of lockdown, non-essential businesses can open again, at least that was the plan. However, there are now new rules in place that extend the current lockdown until the end of March, with a new strategy with five opening steps. Die Bundesregierung (federal government) presented five Öffnungsstrategien (f…
The German Wine Quiz Posted by Larissa on Aug 25, 2020

Welcome to my German wine quiz! Now it’s time to check if you have been paying attention. If you want to brush up on your knowledge before getting started, you can find my two posts on German wine here and here. Good luck and let me know your score in the comments below. Answer these…
The German Record Economy Package Posted by Sten on Jun 9, 2020

Due to Coronavirus measures, the economy has taken a blow – also in Germany. With these historic problems, you also need historic solutions. And Germany did just that: It passed a massive Konjunkturpaket (economy package). Let’s take a look what it looks like! Rekordzahlen A Rekordzahl (record number) of people are in Kurzarbeit (“short-time work”, essentially people work…
The Corona Chronicles in Germany Part 3 Posted by Larissa on May 19, 2020

I hope all of you are staying safe and well. Here is my monthly update on how the situation is in Germany! Here in Germany the restrictions are continuing to lift and sometimes there is a sense of normality again. You can find part one and part two of my corona chronicles in Germany here…
The Corona Chronicles in Germany Part 2 Posted by Larissa on Apr 7, 2020

Here is an update to what is happening in Germany and what the new Maßnahmen (measures) are. You can find part 1 of this article here, to compare how things have changed in the space of just a few weeks. Seit 23. März gibt es eine Ausgangsbeschränkung in Deutschland From the 23rd of March there…
3 Things to do at home while Corona Virus is happening Posted by Larissa on Mar 24, 2020

With corona virus spreading quickly worldwide, more people are having to stay at home. Throughout Germany there are school closures, theatre closures and all exhibitions have been cancelled. Here in Munich, BMW sent over 150 employees home after one person tested positive for the virus. For further updates on the situation in Germany, click here…