German Language Blog

Archive for August, 2021

Untranslatable German Words: Multikulti Posted by on Aug 5, 2021

In Germany, you might hear the term Multikulti sometimes. It is often used positively, but sometimes there is a rather disgruntled undertone as well. It is widely used! But what does it mean? And is there a proper English translation for it? What does Multikulti mean? Multikulti is a shorthand of Multikulturalismus (m, multiculturalism). It’s the idea that a Gesellschaft (f, society)…

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The Five Senses In German Posted by on Aug 4, 2021

five senses

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn the five senses – die fünf Sinne – in German, as well as some related vocabulary. Let’s get started! Die fünf Sinne – The five senses Here are what the five, basic human senses are called in German: HEARING: das Gehör SIGHT: das Sehen TOUCH: der Tastsinn TASTE…

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