The Five Senses In German Posted by Constanze on Aug 4, 2021 in Language
Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn the five senses – die fünf Sinne – in German, as well as some related vocabulary. Let’s get started!
Die fünf Sinne – The five senses
Here are what the five, basic human senses are called in German:
HEARING: das Gehör
SIGHT: das Sehen
TOUCH: der Tastsinn
TASTE: der Geschmack
SMELL: der Geruchssinn
Usually when we talk about our senses on a day-to-day basis, we use the corresponding verbs to the above nouns –‘Ich höre nichts’ (‘I don’t hear anything’) when someone asks you to listen out for a particular sound, for example. So, here are the corresponding verbs with some example sentences:
HEARING: das Gehör
Corresponding body part: das Ohr (ear)
Corresponding verb: hören (to hear)
Ich kann dich nicht hören – I can’t hear you
SIGHT: das Sehen
Corresponding body part: das Auge (eye)
Corresponding verb: sehen (to see/watch)
Ohne Brille sehe ich nichts – I can’t see anything without glasses
TOUCH: der Tastsinn
Corresponding body part: die Haut (skin)
Corresponding verb: tasten (to feel for/touch)
Ich taste nach dem Lichtschalter – I feel around for the light switch
Note: This one is a little tricky. The verb tasten is not actually the best translation for the word ‘touch’! More accurate verbs are anfassen or berühren. But the verb tasten, from Tastsinn, is more about specifically using your sense of touch – ie. feeling around for something in the dark.
TASTE: der Geschmack
Corresponding body parts: der Mund (mouth) / die Zunge (tongue)
Corresponding verb: schmecken (to taste)
Wie schmeckt es? – How does it taste?
SMELL: der Geruchssinn
Corresponding body part: die Nase (nose)
Corresponding verb: riechen (to smell)
Riechst du das? – Can you smell that?
How do you say you’re hard of hearing, blind, or have no sense of smell? Here are a few words that will come in handy:
Blind – blind
Short-sighted – kurzsichtig
Long-sighted – weitsichtig
Deaf – taub
Hard of hearing – schwerhörig
Mute – stumm
Deaf and mute – taubstumm
Loss of sense of smell – der Geruchsverlust
Loss of sense of taste – die Geschmacksstörung
Loss of sense of touch – die Hypästhesie
(For example, you might lose your sense of: der Schmerz- pain, die Vibration- vibration, or die Temperatur- temperature)
Other senses
Of course, human beings have other senses, too. Der Gleichgewichtsinn is the sense of balance, for instance, and der sechste Sinn is the famous ‘sixth sense’! I will write a separate post on the sechste Sinn, where we will look at things like intuition, gut feelings, and psychic ability.
Bis dann (until then)!

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Interessanter Artikel! Möchte nur anmerken, dass es “DER Geruchsverlust” ist. Verlust, egal welcher, ist männlich auf deutsch.
@Andrea Danke Andrea! Das war ein Fehler. Ich habe es korrigiert. 🙂