Tag Archives: the senses
Talking About The ‘Sixth Sense’ In German Posted by Constanze on Aug 17, 2021

Guten Tag! Last week, I wrote about the five senses (die fünf Sinne) in German. If you haven’t read that post yet, you can catch up by clicking here. Today’s post will continue on the theme of the senses, but focus more on feeling-based senses, often referred to as the ‘sixth sense’ or ‘gut instinct’…
The Five Senses In German Posted by Constanze on Aug 4, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn the five senses – die fünf Sinne – in German, as well as some related vocabulary. Let’s get started! Die fünf Sinne – The five senses Here are what the five, basic human senses are called in German: HEARING: das Gehör SIGHT: das Sehen TOUCH: der Tastsinn TASTE…