5 Tips For Your Indoor Plants In German Posted by Larissa on Mar 30, 2021 in Language
Following on from my last post, which you can find here, I will be giving you five top tips on how to keep your plants alive and thriving indoors. I love having plants in my home. Not only are they good air filters, but they also brighten up the place.
1. Diese Pflanzen lieben die Sonne
These Plants Love the Sun
Not all plants need a lot of sunlight, but there are some that can’t get enough sun and are therefore great for your Fensterbrett (windowsill), especially near a Sudfenster (south facing window).
Here are a few plants that need a lot of sunlight:
Sukkulenten wie Aloe Vera succulents like aloe vera
Palmlilie palm lily (yucca plant)
Rosmarin rosemary
Thymian thyme
Lavendel lavender
Tomatenpflanze tomato plant
2. Diese Pflanzen brauchen nicht so viel Sonne
These Plants do not Need a lot of Sun
If you don’t have a very sunny home then don’t worry, there are also enough plants that don’t need as much Sonnenlicht (sunlight).
Plants that are happy with less sunlight:
Petersilie parsley
Ringelblumen marigolds
Bärlauch wild garlic
Grünlilie spider plant
Einblatt lily (this is also a great plant that filters air)
Spinat Pflanze spinach plant
3. Die Pflanze gleich umtopfen
Repot the Plant
If you are buying a plant, then usually the pot it comes in is going to be too small for the plant, this will stunt its growth. Repot the plant into a bigger pot and watch it thrive.
4. Jede Pflanze braucht unterschiedlichen Mengen an Wasser
Each Plant Needs Different Amounts of Water
If you have lots of different types of plants, note which ones need more water than others. Write a schedule on what days you water what plants, for example Sukkulenten do not need a lot of water at all, but Basilikum on the other hand needs to be watered regularly. Also note the change of season can also influence how much water your plant needs.
5. Schneiden Sie Ihre Pflanze
Trim Your Plant
Leaves do eventually get old and die, or maybe your plant has a problem that you should try and find the solution to. Whichever the reason, you should be cutting off any dead leaves or flowers so that your plant isn’t wasting energy on parts that no longer grow. Trimming old leaves can also encourage the plant to grow new leaves.
Let me know in the comments if you have any indoor plants and if so let me know what they are called in German!
Thank you for reading,

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Mark Bauer:
Ich züchte Kannenpflanzen (Insektfressenden Pflanzen). Diese können für eine kürze Zeit drinnen wachsen, bis warm und sonnig Wetter, dann draußen. Sie mögen Sonnenschein und werden so lang wie ein Meter. Andere “Fleisch”fressenden pflanzen können bleiben drinnen, wenn in Sonnenschein auf einem Fensterbrett.