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Change Of Routine (German Simple Past Tense) Posted by Constanze on Apr 15, 2020

Guten Tag! How is life looking for you lately? I think it’s true for the majority of people at the moment that routines have changed. Certain things that we used to do, we aren’t doing any more, and new habits and routines have formed in their place. In this post I’d like to show you…
The Weather in the Past, Present and Future Tense Posted by Larissa on Oct 29, 2015
Munich is looking beautiful this time of year with the seasons changing to autumn and the trees turning brilliant shades of gelb, orange und rot (yellow, orange and red)! This post is to help you say what the weather was, is and will be like. Grund Vokabular: Basic vocabulary: Die Sonne The sun…
The German Verb Haben – To Have (4 Tenses) Posted by Constanze on May 20, 2020

Guten Tag! If you’re a fairly new German learner, this post will benefit you as it covers one of the basics of the language. If you’re not new to the language, it’s still a good idea to revisit the basics from time to time! Today we’re looking at the verb haben (to have) and its…
The German Verb Sein – To Be (3 Tenses) Posted by Constanze on May 18, 2020

Guten Tag! If you’re a fairly new German learner, this post will benefit you as it covers one of the basics of the language. If you’re not new to the language, it’s still a good idea to revisit the basics from time to time! Today we’re looking at the verb sein (to be) and its…
German tenses in use: Futur II Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 27, 2011
The Futur II is used on different occasions. a) You use Futur II to refer to actions that will take place in the future and that will have been completed in the future. You form sentences with the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb werden (will), the past form of the verb, and the…
German tenses in use: Plusquamperfekt Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 19, 2011
The German Plusquamperfekt tense is equivalent to the English Past Perfect tenses (both the simple and the progressive form). Thus, you use this tense in order to refer to an action or actions that had happened before another action in the past. But the German Plusquamperfekt is seldom used in independent statements. It is rather…
German tenses in use: Perfekt Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 16, 2011
The Perfekt is commonly used in spoken German to refer to the past. Formation: You generally form active sentences in the Perfekt by using a conjugated form of the auxiliary verbs ‘sein’ (to be) or ‘haben’ (to have) and the past participle of the verb. Here are the conjugations of sein and haben…