Die Ostsee: Ein beliebtes Urlaubsziel der Deutschen – The Baltic Sea: A popular holiday destination for Germans Posted by Sandra Rösner on Aug 4, 2011 in Uncategorized
It is still vacation time in Germany. And as Germans love the beach and warm weather, they, of course, head to coastal areas. When Germans decide to spend their holidays abroad they target countries like Spain, especially, the island Mallorca (Majorca), die Türkei (Tukey), and Ägypten (Egypt).
But when Germans decide to spend their vacation in Germany there’s only one destination to name: die Ostsee (the Baltic Sea), which is the most popular travel destination of Germans within Germany.
The Baltic Sea is located in the north of Germany. This Binnenmeer (inland sea) is 413,000 km2 large and up to 459 meters deep. It is supposed to be the largest Brackwassermeer (brackish water sea) in the world, which means that it has more Salzgehalt (salinity) than Süßwasser (freshwater) and lesser salinity than Meereswasser (seawater). Beside Germany, other Anrainerstaaten (littoral sates) are Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estland, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland.
There are many Urlaubsorte (resorts) and Ostseebäder (Baltic Sea spa towns) on the Baltic Sea. You can either go to one of the German Ostseeinseln (islands in the Baltic): Hiddensee, Rügen, Usedom, Fehmann, Poel, to the Halbinsel (peninsular) Fischland-Darß-Zingst or to one of the Baltic Sea spa towns auf dem Festland (on the mainland): Boltenhagen, Rerik, Kühlungsborn, Nienhagen, and Warnemünde. In all these places Urlauber (vacationers) can decide whether they want to zelten (camp) during they vacation or reside in one of the many Jugendherbergen (hostels), hotels or Ferienwohnungen (holiday aparments).
The Baltic Sea is known for its Strandkörbe (roofed wicker beach chairs).
Of course, do all resorts offer a wide range of activities, such as volleyball, sailing, fishing, wind- and kite-surfing, diving, cycling, walking and golf but I think that only being there is already like visiting another world. I have been to the Baltic Sea several times and what I have always loved most about it was the special atmosphere surely mainly caused by the typical Bäderarchitektur (typical building style for spas).
Since all these resorts are Touristenmagneten (tourist magnets) there are lots of cafés, restaurants and shopping facilities, which make you always feel very special when dinning or shop there, because of this fascinating architecture.
Unfortunately, the weather in Germany is temporarily bad. There is a lot of rain with temperatures between 12 degrees Celsius (= 54 degrees Fahrenheit) at night and up to 25 degrees C (= 77 degrees F) during the day. So, keep your fingers crossed that the weather will change soon.
Mallorca – Majorca die Türkei – Turkey Ägypten – Egypt die Ostsee – Baltic Sea das Binnenmeer – inland sea das Brackwassermeer – brackish water sea der Salzgehalt – salinity das Süßwasser – freshwater (lit. sweet water) das Meerwasser OR das Meereswasser – seawater der Anrainerstaat – littoral state der Urlaubsort – resort das Ostseebad – Baltic Sea spa town die Ostseeinsel – island in the Baltic die Halbinsel – peninsular auf dem Festland – on the mainland zelten – to camp die Jugenherberge – hostel die Ferienwohnung – holiday apartment die Bäderarchitektur = building style typical for spas der Touristenmagnet – tourist magnet der Strandkorb – roofed wicker beach chair
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About the Author: Sandra Rösner
Hello everybody! I studied English and American Studies, Communication Science, and Political Science at the University of Greifswald. Since I have been learning English as a second language myself for almost 20 years now I know how difficult it is to learn a language other than your native one. Thus, I am always willing to keep my explanations about German grammar comprehensible and short. Further, I am inclined to encourage you to speak German in every situation. Regards, Sandra
Miranda Ferrier:
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