German Theater Posted by Larissa on Oct 27, 2020 in Culture
I have always loved going to the theater. Due to the global pandemic the arts are currently struggling and the last time I went to the theater was last year. I have devoted this post to all of the vocabulary that you would need when going to the theater (or even being in a Theaterstück).
The Types of Plays
das Musical the musical
die Oper the opera
das Theaterstück the play
die Komödie the comedy
die Tragödie the tragedy
das Improvisationstheater the improvisational theater
On Stage
die Bühne the stage
der Vorhang the curtain
die Kulisse the set
das Bühnenbild the scene
die Bühnenanweisungen the stage directions
Bühne rechts stage right
Bühne links stage left
der Schauspieler the actor
die Schauspielerinn the actress
der Charakter the character
die Hauptrolle the main part
The Audience
der Sitzplatz the seat
die Reihe the row
das Publikum the audience
die Theaterkarte the theatre ticket
der Applaus the applause
die Pause the interval
hinter den Kulissen backstage
der Regisseur the director
die Maskenbildner the makeup artist (male)
die Maskenbildnerin the makeup artist (female)
das Kostüm the costume
die Theaterbeleuchtung the lighting
die Probe the rehearsal
die Generalprobe the dress rehearsal
One of the most well-known theater pieces in Germany is Passionstheater (passion theater), held in Oberammergau every 10 years.
A passion play depicts the trial and fall of Jesus Christ. The history dates back to 400 years ago where 80 people died in Oberammergau from the plague. Die Passionspiele (the passion play) were created to plea God for help and the first play was introduced in 1634. It was agreed that the play would be performed every 10 years. It was meant to be shown this year in 2020, but due to the global pandemic it will be held in 2021 instead.
What is your favorite type of theater? Let me know in the comments below if you are missing theater just as much as I am!
Thanks for reading,

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