Hi! I’m Mickey Mangan, and I’m new to the Transparent German blogging team. If my name rings a bell, it’s probably because you read the guest post I wrote for the site back in July. I’m best known among the German learning community as the guy who made The Lernen to Talk Show.

That’s me!
Seit knapp drei Jahren habe ich Deutsch gelernt. Ich liebe die Sprache, und ich freue mich darauf, meine Erfahrung mit euch zu teilen.
In my posts you’ll find me writing about the things that matter to me. Ich bin kein Sprachwissenschaftler, sondern ein einfacher Fan von der deutschen Sprache. So be sure to check back for blog posts about music, travel, film, and maybe a few fun experiments. I believe that the best way to excel in a language is to find something that matters to you personally in that language. To that end, I hope to use this space to keep readers up to date on exciting things happening in Germany’s media world, to give you the chance to practice by watching and listening.
For me, German matters because of the friends I made while learning the language. I realize that may sound like circular logic, but it’s the truth. I wasn’t particularly interested in German or Germany until I lived there, but now it’s a huge part of who I am. I’ve lived in three different cities in Germany, each of which I’ll be writing about in the coming weeks. I’ve worked there, I’ve studied there, and I’ve done volunteer projects there. Though I didn’t quite make it to every Bundesland, I came quite close. And I’m eager to go back the next chance I get!
Und wenn es euch stört, that I tend to mix up languages, just let me know and I will try to work out a compromise. I’m looking forward to writing for you, and I will always welcome feedback. Be sure to say hello in the comments! Hab ein schönes Wochenende und bis bald!
Mickey! I enjoy your videos and look forward to reading what you have to write!
@Sean Hi Sean! Thanks for the note! I’m looking forward to writing more!
Love The Lernen To Talk Show! I’m excited to see you here too.
@Ronda Awesome Ronda! This should be a good time.
Maegen Fariss:
Glad to have you on! Will be nice to have a new blogger
@Maegen Fariss Hi Maegen, I like how you spell your name!
Maegen Fariss:
thank you!