Tag Archives: cook
German Herbs & Spices Posted by Constanze on Sep 6, 2017

Guten Tag 🙂 We’ve had a great selection of food-related posts on the blog already, which make great resources for all of you German learners who are also foodies! What we’re honing in on today are the small (but important!) foods – the herbs, spices, and specific ingredients used in baking. I hope you’ll find…
Vegetables and fruits – GemĂĽse und FrĂĽchte Posted by jan on Apr 16, 2011
Hi everybody! Today I want to play a little with vitamines. Not only Vegetarier (vegetarians)Â might be interested in vocabulary about fruits and vegetables. No matter if you go to a restaurant or have to buy some things to prepare a meal at home, it would be useful to know some of the following words…
Toast Hawaii Posted by Sandra Rösner on Nov 5, 2010
Kochsendungen (cookery shows) are very beliebt (popular) in Germany. Nowadays, there are a lot of them im Fernsehen (on TV). Germany’s first television cookery show was called “Bitte in zehn Minuten zu Tisch” (here: Dinner will be served in ten minutes) and ging auf Sendung (went on the air) in 1953. The show was presented…
FasnachtskĂĽchle Posted by jan on Feb 9, 2010
Currently it is Fasching, Karneval or Fasnacht in Germany. The name varies from region to region. During this Zeit (time) people dress in costumes, funny or traditional (at least different) and have a big party. There are parades, people sing and dance together…and of course there´s a lot of alcohol. Maybe it´s a little bit…