Tag Archives: doctor
German Vocab For Menstruation & Contraception Posted by Constanze on Aug 25, 2021
Guten Tag! This post is going to give you some German vocabulary for the following subjects: menstruation; contraception; and trying for a baby. I hope this will be useful for anyone in Germany who needs the vocabulary to communicate with a doctor, pharmacist, shop assistant, partner/family member, or to navigate words in shops, online, or…
The German Kur Posted by Constanze on Sep 19, 2018
When you need to take a period of sick leave from work, you generally stay at home during that time, right? In Germany, when you`re ill, as part of the Krankenkasse (German health insurance), you can request to be sent on a Kur – a type of spa break. Die Kur – literally ‘the cure’…
Going To The Optician: German Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Nov 15, 2017
Guten Tag! Today I thought I’d give you the practical vocabulary and phrases that you need to visit the optician/get an eye test done in German. So without further ado, let’s get started! When you go for an eye test, the person who performs the test is called an optometrist. In German, an optometrist is…
German Emergency Services pt2 Posted by Constanze on Jan 28, 2017
Guten Tag! Welcome to the second part of my posts on calling the emergency services in Germany or Austria. In the first post, we looked at how to call the police, and the things you might say. We also looked at how to ask for help from the public. That post is here. This time…
What to say at the Doctor’s in German Posted by Larissa on Feb 29, 2016
Hello and welcome to another post! In this post I’ll be giving you helpful sentences to enable you to book a doctor’s appointment and explain what’s wrong to the doctor in German. Keywords: der Arzt/die Ärztin The doctor (male/female) die Arztpraxis The doctor’s office der Termin The appointment der Hautarzt The dermatologist…