Tag Archives: expressions
German Sayings + Expressions 23: Wishes Posted by Sten on Aug 8, 2019

Do you have any Wünsche (wishes) or Verlangen (desires)? Then it is helpful to have words to express this. Today in our sayings and expressions, we look at these wants and how we can accommodate them in the German language. For older posts, please follow this link. Now, let’s start with the Sprichwort (saying)! Der Wunsch ist der Vater des Gedankens Literally: The…
German Sayings + Expressions 22: Heat, Heat, Heat Posted by Sten on Jul 4, 2019

These past few weeks and the upcoming ones have been showing tropische Temperaturen (tropical temperatures) in Germany, with up to 40°C (104°F). Not only time to look for some Sonnencreme (sunscreen) and some Schatten (shade), but also a Sprichwort (saying) and an Ausdruck (expression) that go along with it! As always, let’s start with the Sprichwort. For older posts, please follow this link. Now, let’s…
Sayings + Expressions 17: The Senf and the Salat Posted by Sten on Jul 26, 2018

In our series on sayings and expressions, we have gone through many different themes. Today, we will have a look at two food items, that don’t really go together, but work quite complementary in the realm of sayings and expressions. Let’s dive in, and as always, start with the saying! Da haben wir den Salat! Literally…
Sayings + Expressions 16 – Drehen Posted by Sten on Feb 15, 2018

In this long series of Sayings + Expressions, we have come across a lot. It might make your head spin. And that is why today, we will be talking about drehen (to spin). Because believe it or not, there are Sprichwörter (sayings) and Ausdrücke (expressions) with spinning too! Let’s start, as always, with the Sprichwort. Einen alten Baum verpflanzt man nicht…
A Unique German Way To Say It’s Snowing Posted by Constanze on Feb 7, 2018

Guten Tag! Is it snowing where you live? For me, there’s nothing better than that moment of seeing snow outside and exclaiming Es schneit! to whoever will listen. Today I’d like to give you a very different way of saying ‘It’s snowing’ in German. Frau Holle schüttelt ihre Betten aus A unique way of saying…
Sayings + Expressions 15 – Die Sau! Posted by Sten on Jan 22, 2018

Sayings and expressions! It’s been quite some time, so let’s have some fun with two today – related to the Sau (sow). The Schwein (pig) and the Sau (sow) in particular have widespread meaning in the German language. So this post might get a follow up! Let’s start today – beginning with the expression! Check here for previous posts in this series…
Sayings + Expressions 14 – Money II (+ Time) Posted by Sten on Jun 12, 2017
Today, as promised, we will talk about money again. Making money is what you probably do on a Montag (Monday) anyway. But it is also Monday, the international day for mourning the end of the weekend. So, I thought, let’s take the bitter out of that bittersweet feeling, and include time in today’s post. Time…