Tag Archives: flood
Water Everywhere: How Did Germany Get Flooded? Posted by Sten on Jul 28, 2021

It all started as regular schlechtes Wetter (n, bad weather), but Tief Bernd (n, depression Bernd) just wouldn’t move. Regenerating the Regenwolken (f, rain clouds) with water from the Mittelmeer (n, Mediterranean Sea) and the Atlantik (m, Atlantic Ocean). The Regen (m, rain) just wouldn’t stop, and . It was der perfekte Sturm (the perfect storm). Together Against the Flood The Regen turned into Flut (f, flood)…
Flutkatastrophe in Deutschland – Flood disaster in Germany Posted by Sandra Rösner on Jun 12, 2013
Schweiß tropft von meiner Stirn während ich den sandigen Feldweg entlang laufe. (Sweat is dripping off my forehead as I’m running along the sandy farm lane.) An jeder Stelle des Weges, die ich mit meinen Schuhen treffe, hinterlasse ich eine Staubwolke. (I leave a dust cloud at each patch where my shoe hits the ground.)…
Land unter! (Land submerged) Posted by jan on Jun 5, 2013
Hi everyone, yesterday was the first day since weeks that I saw the sun (honestly!). What a strange but totally liberating feeling. Though it is June, the last weeks have been affected by dark grey, cold temperatures and heavy rain. Already in May I wondered if the gulf stream ran dry… Well, it finally seems…