Land unter! (Land submerged) Posted by jan on Jun 5, 2013 in Uncategorized
Hi everyone,
yesterday was the first day since weeks that I saw the sun (honestly!). What a strange but totally liberating feeling. Though it is June, the last weeks have been affected by dark grey, cold temperatures and heavy rain. Already in May I wondered if the gulf stream ran dry…
Well, it finally seems that the Tief (depression) is over. At least in most parts of Germany. But it definitely has left it´s marks.
Big areas has been überflutet (flooded). Especially regions in the east and southeast of Germany were hit by the water masses. To avoid worse disasters, a lot of people have been evakuiert (evacuated). Electricity and die Trinkwasserversorgung (drinking water supply) have been switched off in city centres. Even the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) has moved out to secure rain-sodden Deiche (dikes) with sandbags and heavy machinery. When I see the news, it´s really hard to believe that this happens just a few kilometres away…for we have fortunately been spared!
Already in 2002 there was the so called “Jahrhundertflut” (flood of the century) in Germany and a lot of people who lost their houses, their cars, just everything back then, are affected again these days. Beside the financial Schaden (damage) that must be millions and millions, I think it is also hard not to lose courage in starting all over again.
While the situation is getting better in many regions, especially cities and communities along the river Elbe are still worried about increasing Flusspegel (river stages). In Halle an der Saale, there is the highest level since 400 years!
If you are interested in the status quo, you can take a look at this website (german).
So what about your countries and regions? Did you experience a similar disastrous springtime?
To all the victims: Stay strong! Hopefully the worst is over very soon!
Some vocabulary to this post:
das Tief – depression
überflutet – flooded
evakuieren – to evacuate
die Trinkwasserversorgung – drinking water supply
die Bundeswehr – German armed forces
der Deich – dike
die Jahrhundertflut – flood of the century
der Schaden – damage
der Flusspegel – river stage

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About the Author: jan
My name is Jan and I live in the south west of Germany. My profession is being a project manager at a company that creates digital media (first of all internet related things). This is my job since over a decade so I´m quite familiar with the web and its tools. Whereat today almost every school kid does. But that´s one of the main reasons why nowadays there are quasi no more limits in the internet and so it can be used for all imaginable types of things. For example learning languages! And that´s where we are at the moment. I first got in touch with Transparent Language when my family and I used to live in France a couple of years ago. I just had a break from work and by coincidence I produced some cultural videos in French. A few months later the whole blogging thing came up and I was lucky to be a part of it. So now my (second) job is to feed you with information, exercises, vocabulary, grammar and stories about Germany and German language. For being a passionate videographer I´m trying to do this more and more by videos. If you have any wishes or needs of topics that should be treated here, please don´t hesitate to contact me via a comment field. I´m open to your suggestions (as long as they are not too individual) and will try to satisfy your needs.
Ian Colville:
I think we can all sympathise with those affected, for whom this situation is nothing short of a tragedy.
Perhaps ‘der Flusspegel’ would be better translated as ‘the water level’.
Kind Regards,
Kayla Language Tips:
Where I live the weather has been really bad for months now. It’s depressing. Each time there’s a ray of sun, I feel happy. Thanks for the vocabulary. 🙂
Richard Wetterer:
Hier in New Hampshire (U.S.A.)war den Frühling sehr kühl und regnerisch, aber es überflutet nicht. Letzte Woche regnet es wieder. Gestern war sonnig, aber Heute ist es bedeckt und später wird mehr Regen.
Richard Wetterer
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