German Language Blog

Tag Archives: German grammar

Reflexive German Verbs Posted by on Jan 17, 2018

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to look at reflexive German verbs. If you’ve ever heard a German native say something like “I will shower me” in English instead of “I will take a shower”, for example, this post on reflexive verbs will hopefully explain why that is! What is a reflexive verb? A reflexive verb…

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German Comparatives And Superlatives Posted by on Nov 29, 2017

Guten Tag! Today I’m going to show you some comparatives and superlatives in German. What are these? For example, instead of saying “He is fast” you might want to know how to say “He is faster” (the comparative) or “He is the fastest” (the superlative), and then also know how to do the same with…

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Separable And Inseparable German Prefixes Posted by on May 10, 2017

I wrote a post recently about verbs that change their meanings when you add prefixes to them. These can be very confusing for language learners, as they think they recognise a verb when it actually means something totally different. The post led to a question about whether a particular prefix made the verb separable or…

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Going Back To Basics in German Posted by on Aug 18, 2016

Guten Tag! If you’ve ever checked out our archives, you’ll notice this blog has been going for a long time – since 2008, in fact! That means there are many hidden gems of posts that often get lost. Many of these deal with some of the more basic aspects of German language. Sometimes it’s good…

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How To Say “Don’t” In German Posted by on Jul 26, 2016

Sometimes I get asked how to say single English words or phrases in German, and more often than not I find myself having to explain my translation because it’s not what the person asking expected to hear. They usually say, “Oh, but doesn’t that word mean…?” to which I usually reply “Yes, it does mean…

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TOP 10 GERMAN POSTS OF 2015 Posted by on Dec 16, 2015

It’s nearly the end of the year, and we’ve had a brilliant 2015 at Transparent Language, with the blogs hitting the 1 million views mark in August for the first time ever! So thank you all very much for your continued support and interest in our work here at Transparent Language. Without further ado, here…

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Solution for the conjugation exercise Posted by on Oct 30, 2010

So here are the correct conjugations for the given verbs in my last article. Compare and see if you were right:

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