Tag Archives: grammar
The German Prefix ‘Un’ Posted by Constanze on Apr 22, 2020

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to talk about German nouns that start with ‘Un’. Like in English, there are many adjectives in German that begin with ‘un’ to signify lack or negation. Some examples include the words unbequem (uncomfortable) and unverständlich (unintelligible). In both English and German, removing the prefix ‘un’ from these examples would…
Change Of Routine (German Simple Past Tense) Posted by Constanze on Apr 15, 2020

Guten Tag! How is life looking for you lately? I think it’s true for the majority of people at the moment that routines have changed. Certain things that we used to do, we aren’t doing any more, and new habits and routines have formed in their place. In this post I’d like to show you…
Nouns with MULTIPLE Articles?! Posted by Sten on Mar 5, 2020

Willkommen zu Transparent Language! Der Blog für deine Portion Deutsch! Oder… Das Blog für deine Portion Deutsch? In a recent post, I told you everything you need to know about German Artikel (articles). But there is something I left out. And that is the strange case where one single Nomen (noun) can have multiple Artikel. Why and how does this…
German Prepositions: All You Need To Know Posted by Sten on Feb 20, 2020

Hello dear German learners! Have you struggled with prepositions like aus, bei, mit, entlang, anhand, während or wegen? German is famous for being hard – but there are rules for all of it! Let’s have a look at how to use German prepositions and to uncover what preposition to use. Known in German as Präpositionen, prepositions are…
German Articles: All You Need To Know Posted by Sten on Feb 13, 2020

German Artikel (articles) seem quite confusing. The infamous der/die/das scheme spooks many students – but fear not, there is some logic to it all. Let’s have a look at this today! First, an overview Want to go deeper? Check out our free eBook on German basics here! Artikel belong to their corresponding Nomen (noun). They’re helpful to identify what Nomen is being referred to…
Don’t Let It Confuse You! – Wenn Posted by Sten on Feb 6, 2020

In previous posts in this series, we’ve looked at words that exist in English, yet really mean something else in German. Today, we’ll take a look at a word that sounds pretty much the same as the English word, and mostly means the same, but it can get pretty confusing: the word wenn. Doesn’t it just mean…
Colors in German – How does the grammar work? Posted by Sten on Jun 21, 2019

There is some weird stuff going on with the Grammatik (grammar) of Farben (colors) in German. Sometimes they are capitalized. Sometimes not. What are the rules? And how can you determine what to do? Let’s have a look. Substantivierung As a small reminder, Substantive (nouns) are written with a capital first letter. This is pretty…