Tag Archives: house
New Year Decluttering In German Posted by Constanze on Jan 5, 2022

Guten Tag und frohes neues Jahr (Hello and Happy New Year)! I don’t know about you, but around this time of year I love having a good clear-out. Even if you don’t subscribe to the ‘Neues Jahr, neues ich’ (‘New Year, new me’) sentiment, it’s a good opportunity to take advantage of the ‘fresh start’…
Zuhause, zu Hause, Haus… What’s The Difference? Posted by Constanze on Feb 24, 2021

Guten Tag! Recently we have been talking on here about the home: das Zuhause. Or is it zuhause? Or zu Hause? Or even… das Haus? Heimat? Daheim?? What’s the difference?? If this topic confuses you, you’re not alone! In this post I will try to clear up the confusion surrounding all these different ways of…
Explore A German Home Posted by Constanze on Feb 15, 2021

Guten Tag! Ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut. Today’s post is all about das Zuhause (the home). As we are spending a lot of time at home at the moment, I thought it would be nice to do a post on German homes, listing some of the things you might find if you were to…
The German Staycation Posted by Constanze on May 27, 2020

Guten Tag! I hope you’re all well and staying safe during the pandemic (die Pandemie). Here in the UK, restrictions are gradually being eased and, as a result, people have been flocking to the beaches to enjoy the sunny weather. But many are uncomfortable with the amount of people in those public places and are…
3 German Things That Aren’t So Efficient Posted by Constanze on Sep 26, 2018

Guten Tag! We often talk about Germans being ultra-efficient. In fact, one of the first things that comes to people’s minds when asked to describe Germans is usually a comment about their effizient (efficient) nature. So is there anything about German life and culture that’s actually… not so efficient? Here are three things that may…
Richtfest: A German Tradition Posted by Constanze on Jun 28, 2017
Hallo! Wie geht’s? Today I’d like to introduce you to a German tradition called Richtfest. I only learnt about this recently, as my parents are having their roof re-done and my mum said she wanted to get some beers for the builders once the roof is finished, “like they do at a Richtfest”. Naturally, I…
German Garden Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Aug 29, 2016
Guten Tag! Today I’d like to teach you all about German garden vocabulary! We’ve had a great couple of posts on here about what things are called around the home, but nothing really focusing on the garden. As summer is in full swing (finally!) you’re probably spending more time outdoors, so here are the German…