Tag Archives: Irregularity
What’s up with those e’s? The Dehnungs-e Posted by Sten on Dec 12, 2017
Last Friday, we discussed the Dehnungs-h and how it was quite a curious, unnecessary concept in German. Today, we look at the Dehnungs-e, a concept that does pretty much the same thing, but is much less widespread. Other than after an i, it feels strange to many Germans as well. One famous example of such strange application of…
What’s up with those h’s? The Dehnungs-h Posted by Sten on Dec 8, 2017
If you studied German, you have probably come across irregularities that really make you wonder why they exist. As a German growing up with the language, I never really questioned it… Until I saw the dehnungs-e. For example, you write Soest, but you say Soost, so you elongate the o and mute the e. Odd! Though when looking into it, I…