Tag Archives: Language History
German First Names: Then & Now Posted by Constanze on Jun 14, 2017

Guten Tag! Today I thought I’d cover the interesting topic of German Vornamen (first names). When you think of German names, which ones spring immediately to mind? Helga? Hermann? Greta? These are classic examples of stereotypical German names – but are babies still given these names in Germany today? In this post I’ll give the…
The Curiosity of the German Word “Weg” Posted by Sten on May 4, 2017
Wegisweg. That is the Dutch word for Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley. Weg means “lane”, but also “away”. They sound exactly identical, though. The same word, weg, means the same both things in German. But they are pronounced differently. Why? This is what weg sounds like: This is what der Weg sounds like: Ok, I already hear you say: But Sten, there is a…