Tag Archives: Merkel
How was a German lockdown announced AND revoked within one day? Posted by Sten on Mar 25, 2021

It was a tough week for Bundeskanzlerin (f, Federal Chancellor) Angela Merkel. Due to the announced lockdown for Ostern (Easter), everyone went hart ins Gericht (“hard into court”) with her. With rising coronavirus cases, the planned Lockerungen (f, relaxations) of the COVID rules fielen ins Wasser (“fell in the water”). But what actually happened? A “knallharter Lockdown“ On Monday…
The German Haushaltswoche – Part 2: Merkel’s Speech Posted by Sten on Dec 11, 2020

It’s an exciting week in the German Bundestag (the German legislative body, its lower house of Congress). Earlier this week, German Bundesfinanzminister (secretary of finance) Olaf Scholz presented the Haushaltsentwurf (budget draft) for 2021. The Bundesregierung (federal government) has agreed; now it’s time for the Bundestag to follow suit. But before that happens, they have four days to…
The US Election in Germany Posted by Sten on Nov 12, 2020

As expected, the US election was a drawn-out process this time with television networks being careful with their projections. The winner was projected only last Friday. As always with the election of a new president in the United States, the whole world was watching – Germany as well. How was the election covered, and what…
The German Record Economy Package Posted by Sten on Jun 9, 2020

Due to Coronavirus measures, the economy has taken a blow – also in Germany. With these historic problems, you also need historic solutions. And Germany did just that: It passed a massive Konjunkturpaket (economy package). Let’s take a look what it looks like! Rekordzahlen A Rekordzahl (record number) of people are in Kurzarbeit (“short-time work”, essentially people work…
Formation Talks Failed – What’s Next? Posted by Sten on Nov 21, 2017

Germany held elections earlier this year. Four parties came out on top and started talks to form a coalition to govern with a majority. However, just last weekend, those talks were ended – unprecedented in the quite stable political climate of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany). So, let’s have a closer look and scoop up some…