Tag Archives: Nature
German City And Countryside Signs Posted by Constanze on Sep 22, 2021

Guten Tag! In my last post, I gave you some vocabulary to describe where in the country you are, and what sort of place it is (you can read that post here!). Following on from that post, I thought it’d be useful to include a selection of signs and notices you might come across when…
The Environment: German Vocab & Reading Posted by Constanze on Apr 29, 2019

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to talk about die Umwelt (the environment). Each year on April 22nd, the world celebrates der Tag der Erde (Earth Day). This is a day where events are held and awareness is raised about protecting unser Planet (our planet) and the environment. This post will provide you with plenty of…
The Edelweiss And Its Meaning Posted by Constanze on Aug 22, 2018

Guten Tag! Today’s post is all about Edelweiss. I have countless pieces of jewellery from Germany with the Edelweiss on it, but it was only recently that I stopped to wonder: Why, exactly, is the Edelweiss so symbolic of Germany? What does it mean? Why is it everywhere? First of all, it came to my…
Let’s Count Insects! – Insektensommer 2018 Posted by Sten on Aug 9, 2018

It is a hot Sommer (summer), an besonderer (exceptional) one. But there is also something not that besonders about this Sommer: In general, more and more Germans say: Es gibt immer weniger Insekten (There are fewer and fewer insects). Some claim that they had to start the Scheibenwischer (windshield wiper) to remove all the Insekten from their Frontscheibe a few years ago. Now, they may have just a single Fleck (spot). Aber…
Funny German Animal Names Posted by Constanze on Mar 14, 2018

Guten Tag! We have talked before on the blog about how ‘literal’ German words can be. Check out this blog post, and this one, for some examples. Today I’d like to continue on that theme with a post about animals. You are probably familiar with a few German animals, such as die Katze (cat), der…
German Nationalparks – Part 14: Hunsrück-Hochwald Posted by Sten on Sep 10, 2016
In previous months, we have already explored a large part of the geschützte Schönheit (protected beauty) of German nature. We went to the windige Küsten (windy shores) of the Wattenmeer, the eindrucksvolle Felsen (impressive rocks) of the Sächsische Schweiz, the Jahrhunderte alten Wälder (centuries old forests) of the Bayerischer Wald, the Erzminen (ore mines) in the Harz, the Tiger (tigers) roaming around in the Eifel, the Tausend Seen (thousand lakes) of Müritz, the hohe Gebirge (high mountain…
German Nationalparks – Part 13: Unteres Odertal Posted by Sten on Jul 21, 2016
In previous months, we have already explored a large part of the geschützte Schönheit (protected beauty) of German nature. We went to the windige Küsten (windy shores) of the Wattenmeer, the eindrucksvolle Felsen (impressive rocks) of the Sächsische Schweiz, the Jahrhunderte alten Wälder (centuries old forests) of the Bayerischer Wald, the Erzminen (ore mines) in the Harz, the Tiger (tigers) roaming around in the Eifel, the Tausend Seen (thousand lakes) of Müritz, the hohe Gebirge (high mountain…