Tag Archives: recipe
Apfelkompott – German Apple Sauce Posted by Constanze on Sep 25, 2017

It’s that time of year when the apples are falling from the trees and people begin adding spices to everything. If you’re a fan of Herbst (Autumn) and autumnal foods, then I hope you’ll like this post about traditional German apple sauce – otherwise known as Apfelkompott or Apfelmus. This is the easiest thing in…
Germany’s Famous Asparagus Season Posted by Larissa on May 16, 2017

I hadn’t actually heard about this until I moved here, even when I was a child and visited Germany I didn’t know about Spargelzeit (Asparagus season) – perhaps because I never visited during the season. When is Asparagus Season? Spargelzeit starts every year at a different time, depending on how warm the weather is and…
A few things to know about delicious Sachertorte Posted by Sten on Dec 29, 2016
At the beginning of this week, there was this mysterious Holzdose (wooden box) on the Küchentisch (kitchen table) at work. A decorated S crowned the words Hotel Sacher, written in Schönschrift (calligraphic writing). Located in WIEN, as the box revealed. A Siegel (seal) underneath told me what’s inside: Original Sacher Torte, it said, again in Schönschrift. You wonder what that is? Soft, chocolatey crumbles, a perfectly sweet…
Traditional German Apfelkuchen Recipe Posted by Larissa on Jun 27, 2015
Here is a recipe for a traditional German Apfelkuchen (apple cake) that I baked yesterday. This is great übung (practice) for your German, expanding your vocabulary, practicing how to follow a German recipe and at the end of it you can reward yourself with homemade Apfelkuchen! I’ve written the recipe in German and English in case you get…
Spätzle – Swabian Pasta Posted by jan on Sep 22, 2010
Today I want to introduce a Swabian delicacy to you. It´s called “Spätzle” and it is really the number one pasta in the south of Germany, especially in Baden-Württemberg.
Fasnachtsküchle Posted by jan on Feb 9, 2010
Currently it is Fasching, Karneval or Fasnacht in Germany. The name varies from region to region. During this Zeit (time) people dress in costumes, funny or traditional (at least different) and have a big party. There are parades, people sing and dance together…and of course there´s a lot of alcohol. Maybe it´s a little bit…